Wu Yifan

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Kris point of view! Kekeke

Kris sat down at his favourite red couch in the living room as he took a quick look at the bills in his hand. The electricity bills seem to be more expensive this month compare to last month. He take a note in his mind to tell his other brothers to always flick the lamps off when they leave their room. And to refrain from playing video games for more than three hours. He knows that they're rich, but it's better to be frugal than wasting money for things that they can control. Well, except for Tao's shopping hobby. Kris have given up in advising that boy to control his shopping urges. He always had a smart reason for refuting Kris words.

Kris leave the bills at the table infront of the television, knowing that Luhan would check them and paid for them later. It's always Luhan job to pay the bills. Kris entered the dining table seeing all his brothers are already sitting down to eat breakfast. Except Yixing and Baekhyun.

Baekhyun came in a second later, shouting good morning loudly.

Well, except Yixing. Kris suspect that he already went to his clinic.

Kris sat beside Junmyeon and talk to him about a new business that he's interested in. Not long after, Junmyeon got up to work. Kris take a deep breath and close his eyes, smelling the eggs and bacons that Kyungsoo cook for them and hearing all his brothers voice chattering.

This is home.


Kris was laying in his bed checking out the news today in his phone when Tao bursts in his room. He just lazily look at Tao, asking what he want from his eyes, too lazy to speak anything.

"Hyung! Take me out tonight! I need to shop!"

".. You already bought some leather shoes last week. What else do you need?"

"I know hyung, but this is an emergency! Junmyeon asked me to buy him new suits and ties! Since when is he interested in clothes? This is a big news!", shout Tao as he jumped at his bed. Kris throw him an annoyed look for disturbing his peace.

"That's not a big news for me. And he must have gave you something so you want to buy it for him.. you just get home late last night so today you should be sleeping all day" said Kris as he look at some news about a politician corrupting road construction costs. He had already know all of Tao's habit.

"Okay you got me, he gave me his card so I can buy something from the new Gucci collection. Now, could you take me out? I hate being all alone when I'm shopping hyuuung" asked Tao adorablely, knowing that Kris always said yes when he acted like this.


"Yes! thank you hyung!"


Kris and Tao just arrived inside the mall and Kris separate himself from Tao to go to the bookstore, checking out some new business books that had just came out. Kris won't accompany Tao shopping, he knew that Tao would spend all of his time shopping, and Kris would be so bored out of his mind. He'd rather read some books while he wait Tao to be finished. Kris see that there's no book that's interesting enough for him, so he get out from the bookstore to look at other things. He could hear some girls giggling and whispering behind him and he rolled his eyes at the sound of it.

Kris know that he and his brothers are all attractive and goodlooking men. It's not that hard to see because everywhere that they go women would blatantly stare, point, and whisper at them. Many of those women whose brave enough would just go and ask their numbers. But Kris and his brothers always ignored them. He hate attention seeker women. That just spell the word T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Besides, Exo would be in danger if they have an addition in the family except if that woman is deem trusty enough. They didn't trust people that easily.

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