Park Chanyeol

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Park Chanyeol love many things in his life. His brothers, his favourite kimbab store in the corner of the street, a little puppy Yixing brought home once but later died. Never women though, they're just didn't fit in Chanyeol's mind. They're weird, fussing over at silly things, and always seem to be breathless at the sight of Chanyeol and his brothers. But not this girl. Kim Jisoo. She's so mesmerizing even when Chanyeol first met her years ago. Yes, he'd met her before. He'd dare to admit that he was the first one between his brothers who know her. And love her.

She was still a cute pretty highschool girl the first time he met her.

He'd got a job on a small town near Seoul, Incheon. It's an easy job, meeting some customers who didn't want to go to Seoul and chose to meet at a small, unnoticable town like Incheon. Chanyeol was excited to prove to his brothers that he'd fit in Exo and insisted to go on his own without Baekhyun and Jongdae. Usually the three of them would go together.

Chanyeol sat on a small cafe where across the street stood an all girls highschool. He's checking his phone for new messages when a commotion across the street caught his eyes. It seems that there's a school festival from all the excited chattering and shouting. He couldn't see well from inside the cafe but it's clear that there's a contest because there's a small stage. He's not sure what contest though. He broke his stare when he notice a man with sunglasses came in the cafe. The customer.

It's time to work.

He throw away the thoughts of school and festival as he greet the customer.


Chanyeol got out from the cafe with a satisfied smile. He got a pretty good deal. Xiumin hyung'd be happy. Chanyeol pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. He puff out the smoke as he closed his eyes and leaned at the wall. He tugged his cap lower to cover his eyes, he didn't want to be recognized. He didn't like to smoke, no. Occasionally, when he felt stress and needed to got out from all this mess up feelings, he'd lit a ciggarette. He wouldn't do it in front of his brothers, though. Junmyeon hyung once found out his pack of cigarettes and let's just say he was furious. It's funny how Exo did all illegal things like dealing and solding drugs but Xiumin hyung insisted to stay away from cigarettes. Maybe because he's afraid that they'll get sick and leave Exo.

Chanyeol continue to close his eyes as he remember how he got in the orphanage. He remember that everyday at home he'd hear his parents shouting and fighting each other. He can't remember a day of peace in his previous life. It'd get worse when his dad is drunk. He'd hit his mother over and over until she passed out. Chanyeol always hide under his bed, so frighten and scared. His dad would then search for Chanyeol and hit him too. It was so hard when Chanyeol remember those times. His mother later died because of all these heartache and beatings. His father was then arrested. And Chanyeol was sent to the orphanage.

And he can not imagine being able to feel more happy than when he entered the orphanage.

It was the best decision in his life.

He met all his brothers there and they've never been apart.

Chanyeol blew out a smoke from his cigarette. As he raise his hand to smoke again, a loud girl voice interrupted him.

"Hey! What're you doing?!"

Chanyeol's about to answer her that it's fucking obvious what he's doing as he turned his head.

Instead he got breathless.

A girl in a highschool uniform stand in front him with arms crossed at her chest. No, it's not her beautiful face that got him breathless but her firm face and sharp eyes that dared Chanyeol to question her. Contrary to her fierce face, her eyes showed sadness and pain. She look so glorious, magnificent.

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