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Hey guys, it's been a while! So happy because Blackpink's having their comeback, and all of their tracks in the album is a bop! Love it so much! Hope you'll like this chapter as much as I do! It's too fluffy though XD


It was normal day.

Jisoo went to the Exo house as usual after her lectures. She really spend most of her time there, except when she's hanging out with Jennie, Lisa, and Chaeyoung. Kris oppa even suggested her to keep some of her clothes there. So, Jisoo kept a few of her clothes and bathroom utilities there because she agree of how often she's there.

When she got home, there was only Sehun oppa sitting at the couch, watching some variety show. The other oppas were either at work or outside because Jisoo didn't saw them anywhere. Tao oppa've been gone for a few days for work but he called her every night before she went to sleep.

Sehun oppa gestured her to sit beside him without glancing away from the television. Jisoo smiled and jumped right beside him, snuggling close at his side. She love cuddling with her boys.

Jisoo was just laying in the couch with Sehun oppa's arm around her watching TV when Lisa call her. She turn to Sehun, raising her index finger to her lips, indicating that he should be quiet. Sehun smirked back and try to bite her finger. Jisoo yelped and hit him softly, laughing, as she take Lisa's call.

"Nyongannn! What's up man?!", said Jisoo happily.

"Ayee, Jichu unniee! I miss youu!", said Lisa back.

Sehun oppa's face suddenly got closer and he blew air to the back of her neck. Jisoo shivered a bit and threw him a glare to stop doing it. Lisa's exciting voice as she told Jisoo about her experience of the new club began to blur because Sehun oppa's bothering her. He's making her feeling things that's inappropriate!

Sehun smiled back innocently at her and stopped.

Jisoo patted his head and goes back listening at Lisa's story.

"So I told this guy that I've a boyfriend, my cute Bambam, and he insisted to have my number! Unnie! Can you believe the nerve of him?"

"Lisaa you're a pretty and cute girl, I'm sure many boys in the club would hit at you, boyfriend or no. But really though, he's too persistent", responded Jisoo as she softly rub Sehun's hand.

"Right!! Anyway, Bambam came and told him to back off. My boyfriend is soo hot", fanboyed Lisa. Jisoo chuckled because Lisa and Bambam really stuck together and are so in love with each other.

"He's amazing, especially his tongue.."

"Lisa! Oh my god! I did not need to know that!", Jisoo cut her off, grimacing.

Sehun quietly laugh when he saw Jisoo's face, pinching her cheeks.

"Sooo this reminds me something! Unnie! Jennie unnie told me you've got some boyfriend! Why didn't you tell us?", whined Lisa.

"What boyfriend? Jennie's just kidding,", said Jisoo, suddenly feeling nervous.

She didn't get just one boyfriend, but eleven more.

"Reaalllyy? She said you've been hanging out with some boys.", said Lisa confusely.

"Hmm I've many friends that are boys, remember?", said Jisoo nervously, hoping Lisa would talk about another topic. Jisoo really didn't want to lie to her besties slash sisters, she want to tell them when the timing's right.

They'd freak out for sure.

I mean twelve boyfriends?

Yup. And Chaeyoung would probably pass out.

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