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I write this chapter as I listen to ILYSB cover by Patch Quina, the song seem to match my feelings about this chapter :D You should check it out, it's amazing! Anyway, enjoy this chapter and don't forget to tell how y'all think about it! I appreciate y'all XD


Life went on as usual.

Jisoo would go to college and her part time work. She'd do her assignments. The only difference from before she knew the Exo brothers (They told her their family business name is Exo) was that now she'd go to their house to either rest and do her assignments, or cook for dinner. Afterall they all know each other and Minseok oppa insisted her to stay at their house. Jisoo had no problem with that because who would reject the offer to play at that beautiful house with attractive people living in it?

Jisoo remembered when she was in middle school, she often dream how nice it would be to live in a house like this with people she loved. Her house was so cold and eventhough she have a mom, she'd still feel so lonely. Maybe that's why Jisoo is always busy with school projects and organizations. She hated to come home to a dark house and a passed out mother in the couch.She'd rather be with her friends, to fulfill that emptiness in her heart.

She was jealous at the Exo brothers relationship. They all were so close to each other and Jisoo longed to have a relationship like that. She's thankful that she met Jennie at highschool and then Chaeyoung and Lisa at college. They were the best thing that ever happen to her. Sure, she had many friends before. But no one know her family condition except Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lisa. She love them fiercely, and wouldn't hestitate to defend them if something bad happened.

As time passed by, Jisoo began to notice things about the Exo brothers.

Like how Minseok oppa would always peck her forehead everytime she made him laugh.

Or how Kris oppa would give her more meat at her plate because he know she loves meat.

How Luhan oppa would always defend her from Jongdae and Baekhyun oppa teasings.

How Yixing oppa would gently cover her body with a blanket everytime she fall asleep at the couch after dinner.

How Junmyeon oppa would hug her and his hands lingered a bit more than they should.

How Tao oppa would secretly put all types of hairband in her bag because she once told him she need a hairband so her hair won't bother her when she's working.

How Jongin oppa would hold her hand gently as if she's something frail.

How Sehun oppa would peck her temple everytime she smiled at him.

How Jongdae oppa would annoyed her till she got crazy but followed her around with adoration in his eyes.

How Baekhyun oppa would always say that she's bothering him but always ruffled her hair with a gentle smile.

How Kyungsoo oppa would patiently teach her many recipes and always told her that she did well eventhough once Baekhyun oppa nearly vomit because her soup was too salty.

And lastly..

How Chanyeol oppa would always watch her with an intense gaze that leave Jisoo breathless at the sight of it.

Jisoo began to know all of them better, even Chanyeol oppa who she just met. She admitted that she cared for them, like her own family. They always tried to make her happy and Jisoo's grateful for them. She often wondered that if they know that all the things they do for her made her heart skip a beat.

Jisoo didn't know if this is love.

If it is love then it's weird because she couldn't love all of them, could she?

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