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Hey guys!! I know! I know it's been a really long time since I've updated huhu It's just that I've been really busy with life, work, relationships that I didn't have enough time for this fanfic.. And I don't want to update something that's not good enough, I need to give a good story progress and all that (I don't know if this is even good enough) but yeah, I had a writer's block :( But I'll try to finish this fanfic slowly, so bear with me please!

P.s Happy New Year!

P.p.s HappyMissKoreaJisoo day!

P.p.p.s Kai and Jennie are dating?!?!?! OMG my exopink feels! Can't Jisoo and Suho happen, please?? Thank u

How do you all feel when you heard the news? Cause I'm really happy and excited XXXXDDD

Warning!! Smut ahead!!!


Jisoo tried to concentrate on her papers for her Oral Medicine presentation tomorrow, but Sehun sulky face distracted her reading. He is sitting right next to her at the couch after eating dinner. After her first sexual experience (such an amazing feeling! She didn't know that a pair of lips can do all those things Kyungsoo oppa did), She and Kyungsoo oppa came down to eat. All of her oppas (except Sehun and Jongin oppa) were already sitting and when they saw her, they began smirking. Jisoo felt so embarrassed but Kyungsoo oppa held her hands and glared at his brothers with his famous "shut the fuck up" glare.

Baekhyun oppa made a zipping sound as he shut his lips. Jisoo smiled, knowing the everyone was afraid of Kyungsoo's oppa temper.

They all then ate some chinese food Tao and Luhan oppa brought (She loves Kung Pao chicken and Luhan oppa knows that well). The problem erupted when Jongin and Sehun oppa came home. She knows both of them are the most jealous ones among her oppas (Is it because they're the youngest?), but Jongdae oppa underestimated them. They were not sulky, but really sulky when they know what just happened.

Both of them stuck to Jisoo all the time after that, not wanting to leave her side. They took turns to feed her, tucking their heads against her shoulder. Jisoo, feeling annoyed, leave the dining room to the living room to finish her assignment. Jongin sensed her annoyance and left upstairs to change clothes. But Sehun just can't leave her alone and followed her to the couch. She tried to ignored him but his cute pouting face beside her keep distracting her. She shut her book close and turned to him.

"Yah Oppa! What's wrong?", she teased him, fully knowing why he's sulky.


"Oppa.. If you keep doing this, I'll be sad. You're not my only boyfriend, oppa", sighed Jisoo sadly. Sehun turned to face her with a pout in his face and quickly hold her hand.

"Noo..Don't feel like that, I don't know, I just want your love"

Jisoo stiffled a laugh, thinking how cute Sehun is.

"Oppa, you have my love. What are you talking about?", smiled Jisoo as she pinched both of Sehun's cheeks.

Sehun tried to look sulky but his twitching lips betrayed him and he let out a grin. Jisoo grinned back at his failed attempt.

"I think you need a kiss, oppa", said Jisoo leaning close to him.

"Thought you'll never said that, baby", grunted Sehun as he reached out and press his lips to hers.

Kissing him felt right. Kissing all her oppas felt right. She never felt this strong feeling of love ever before. As time goes by, all her feelings become stronger. Sehun oppa let out a moan, breaking her thoughts. His big hand felt so warm as he shifted her to sit on his lap. Jisoo straddled him as they continue to kiss each other. She raised her both of her hand to his hair, messing it. Just when Sehun's hand grip her thigh, a cough was heard.

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