Kim Jongdae

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  I'm sorry for the late chapter ;'' But I'll try to make it up by posting the next chapter soon XD 


Jongdae love to annoy people. Especially if that certain people is Junmyeon hyung. Junmyeon hyung like to crack jokes that Jongdae think is not even funny. So he'd always ignore him, making Junmyeon hyung feeling so annoyed and try even harder to make him laugh. He'd annoy not only Junmyeon hyung but also his other brothers. Jongdae feel afraid of Minseok and Luhan hyung though. Those two are really scary when they're angry.

Jongdae know why's he in the orphanage. His father was dead since he's a baby. His mother was still very young, only eighteen when she gave birth to him. She couldn't afford to have a baby since she's poor, so she gave him up. Jongdae understood her reasons and didn't resent her for it. He wouldn't trade his present life for a life with his parents. He'd be miserable without his brothers. He know it.

This morning, Kris hyung asked him to check one of their businesses, an arcade place. Jongdae didn't even know how they have an arcade place, but he suspected Baekhyun have a role on it. He whined to Kris because he felt so lazy today. He just want to be in home, watching soap operas (he love dramatic scenes). Kris just gave him a stern gaze, not amused with his excuses. Jongdae threw his hands up, giving up to persuade Kris hyung.

"Alright hyung, I'll go. Why not the others though?"

"Everyone is busy. You're the only one available"

"Right. So what should I do?"

"Just check if the arcade place is doing well and Mr Kim does his work perfectly"

"Ok hyung, trust me" grinned Jongdae.

Kris gave him a salute before going out to make deals with some new customer


Jongdae took a deep breath. He love games since middle school. He'd play at arcades with Baekhyun and Chanyeol after school till late at night. Minseok, Luhan, and Kris hyung would search and drag them home. He like the chattering voice of people who's excited to play with their family and friends. He didn't feel lonely at all in arcades. It didn't mean that he's lonely when he's with his brothers. They're the best brothers that he'd ask for. Eventhough sometimes they fight with each other, they'd always make up. Every fight wouldn't last long because they know each other so well.

He had just finish checking Mr. Kim work, this month the arcades seem to do well, so he figured it wouldn't hurt to play for a while. He's older, but he feel like he's still that middle school boy who like to play prank and fight with other boys. When he's in high school, he had a small crush with his seat mate. But it didn't go anywhere because Jongdae's too shy to say anything. When Baekhyun knew about his little crush, he teased Jongdae so much until Jongdae feel so fed up and asked Baekhyun to shut up.

So now he's just leaning against a wall as he stared at the people that's playing. He laughed when he saw a little boy lost in a racing game against his friend. He smiled when he saw a couple, the boyfriend trying to win his girlfriend a teddy bear. He noticed three friends that just came in. 2 girls and 1 boy. He assumed that one of the girl and the boy are lovers because they're holding hands. He noticed them because all of them stood out with their looks. The other girl, with beautiful black hair, is so pretty from afar. Unconsiously, Jongdae moved closer so he could stare at her more clearly. From upclose, Jongdae thought he never see a girl more gorgeous then her. Her looks are innocent, with bright eyes and a lovely smile and dimples decorating it.

Not long after that, the girl and the couple separated to play games at their own. Jongdae decided to follow the girl and watched her. He smiled when he saw how excited she look. Most of his friends that are girls, hated games.

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