Oh Sehun

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Enjoy and don't forget to comment ! It'll make me happy and i'll try to improve my writing :)

For the past 20 years of his life Oh Sehun has never been interested in women. Although many women expressed their feelings and wanted Sehun to be their boyfriend , Sehun never accepted them. But it does not mean Sehun is gay, though he has no problem with people of same-sex sexual orientation. He likes women, their body shape and the softness of their bodies, but he does not feel more then that. Sehun is more concerned with friendship and brotherhood. Sehun thinks his friends in Exo are more than friends, their friendship ropes are as strong as brothers. According to Sehun, if he already has Exo, he no longer need women. Women make life difficult with their unstable emotions. Likewise with other members of Exo, except Baekhyun who sometimes have a girlfriend because of his bright and sensitive personality.

Early in the morning Sehun did not have time to drink coffee, his ritual every morning, because he did not want to miss the class. He and Jongin do not want to miss any class, so they can quickly graduate and join their hyungs. So Sehun took time to stop by the canteen with Jongin to drink coffee before the next class. Sehun enters the Law faculty because he wants to be a reliable lawyer to help Exo in the future. 

Exo deals with dangerous things, considering they are a structured mafia organization and their names are starting to rise in the illegal world. Exo is known for having an effective working system, they do not handle prostitution and human trafficking , but they are a mafia group that deals only with drugs. Exo is now very successful in the sale of drugs, Xiumin hyung and Luhan hyung are in charge of importing drugs from other countries such as Afghanistan, Colombia, Peru which are the countries producing opium, heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. Suho hyung and Kris hyung are in charge of deals with VIP users like rich people and artists. Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Jongdae hyung are in charge of sending drug reservations to all places in South Korea.

Lay hyung works as a doctor and always tries to treat Exo members if anyone gets hurt in their job. Tao did not go to university, he thought he had enough with a high school diploma and helps the other hyungs. Tao is very strong, Sehun also admits it, he can do all kinds of martial arts like karate, taekwondo, and judo. Tao doesn't hesitate to kill people who disturb Exo's work. Kyungsoo hyung just graduated from Faculty of Business and will join Suho and Kris hyung in transaction affairs. Sehun and Jongin themselves are still in the fourth semester of college, and Jongin is in the Faculty of arts. Jongin loves art and dance, he tries to decorate their home with paintings. Suho hyung loves it and appreciates Jongin's effort to beautify their home. The twelve of them have been living together since 4 years ago when Sehun was 16 years old.

Sehun first met them all while he was still in the orphanage. All members of Exo are children of orphanages, children who are discarded by their parents. Sehun enters the orphanage at the age of 6, and he remembers meeting Minseok and Luhan hyung who was then 15 years old. The first three days he was at the orphanage, Sehun just cried because he wanted to be with his mother. But Sehun's mother left Sehun at his own in the Seoul Station, telling Sehun to wait for her. Sehun waits for two days before being taken by police officers to the orphanage. Sehun was crying inside the blanket when suddenly Xiumin hyung picked him up from the room and brought Sehun out. Luhan hyung introduces Sehun with Kris, Suho, Lay, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Jongdae, Tao, and Jongin. Baekhyun hyung entertains Sehun and says that they are all brothers, and brothers will never leave each other. For the first time in 3 days of Sehun at the orphanage, he smiles.

Sehun feels someone is looking at him, though many are looking at him, for some reason Sehun is always the center of attention wherever he goes but this feels different, he turned in that direction. Sehun saw across where he sat there is a woman who is gazing at Sehun with a questioning look. She is sitting with her three friends, and although they were all pretty, she was the only one who caught his attention. The woman is beautiful with a tiny face, and heart-shaped pink lips, with black hair loose on her shoulders and wearing a white cardigan and a light blue skirt with sneakers. When the woman noticed Sehun looking at her, she immediately faced forward again.

Sehun realized that the woman was Kim Jisoo, the woman who often became the talk of his college friends because of her beauty. According to rumors, when Jisoo was in high school she won a beauty contest. Sehun is not really interested, but Jinyoung and Doyoung who are sitting behind him, are always talking about Jisoo, so he finally gets to know the existence of a Jisoo.

"Yah Sehun, come on, my class is about to begin!", Said Jongin broking Sehun's thoughts. Sehun turned to Jongin, who was sitting in front of him, Jongin looks slightly annoyed because he has repeatedly called Sehun.

"Let's go," Sehun replied as he picked up his bag.

"Seriously, what are you thinking? I called you up 4 times, " Jongin said as they stood up from their seats.

Sehun glanced at Jisoo as he said "Nothing".

He will never think that that nothing will be something.


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