Kim Jisoo

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Jisoo has not been feeling well since morning. When she woke up, her throat ached and itched. She started coughing when starting her first lecture at college. Now it's lunch hour and she's getting dizzy. She was sitting at the table where Jennie, Lisa, and Chaeyoung gathered. Jisoo looked at her grilled cheese sandwich, feeling no appetite.

"What's wrong Jichu?", asked Jennie worriedly. Usually Jisoo voraciously eat anything.

"I do not know .. I feel sick," Jisoo replied as she pushed her plate away. Lisa and Chaeyoung exchanged eyes.

"You should check yourself to the doctor, Unnie. Since when do you feel like this? " Lisa asked as she touched Jisoo's forehead. It feels a bit hot.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the clinic in front of the station" Jennie said, holding Jisoo's hand.

"Noo, Don't you have class after this, Jennie," Jisoo said, refusing.

"I'll take her, I have no lessons," Chaeyoung said as she stood up.

"Come on sweety," Lisa said, holding Jisoo up.

"Thanks guys, I do not know what I would do if there were not any of you," Jisoo said, teary.

"What are you talking about? We're sisters, this is nothing, "Jennie said. Lisa and Chaeyoung smiled in agreement. Jisoo and Chaeyoung parted ways with Jennie and Lisa to go to the newly opened clinic that Jennie said.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo arrived at the clinic. The clinic is not too big but looks neat. In front of the room where the administration, Chaeyoung told Jisoo sit down then she went to register and take the queue number. While sitting Jisoo observes the clinic, on the walls there are posters on the type of diseases, prevention of HIV-AIDs, and so on. Jisoo turned to the left where there was a door that looked like the doctor's office. At the door there is a board hung with the words "Dr. Zhang Yixing ".

"What are you looking at ?," Chaeyoung asked, she just returned from registration.

"That, the doctor's name is like a Chinese name. Is he not Korean? "Jisoo pointed out. Chaeyoung looked at it and nodded approvingly.

A nurse passing near them heard their chat and joined.

"Ooh, don't worry about that ladies, Dr. Zhang is the best! He should be able to work at Angsu Hospital, the best central hospital in Korea, but he refused and set up this little clinic .. I also do not understand why, " said the nurse.

"Wow that's so cool. Right Jisoo? "Chaeyoung said.

"One more thing, he's very handsome," the nurse said, fanning her face.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo look at each other while holding back a smile. The nurse then left after fangirling for a while. Jisoo rests her head on Chaeyoung's shoulder, if she is sick she always wants to be cuddly with people close to her. Likewise if she was in PMS, she's not easily angered like other women in general, Jisoo instead want to be spoiled and embrace people.

While waiting for her name to be called, Jisoo muses. She almost every day meets Minseok oppa. Jisoo smiles, when he meets her, she has to admit her day is brighter. Minseok oppa often brings jasmin flowers for her. Minseok oppa knows how Jisoo loves the flower. He always says " Jasmines for my sweet girl". Jisoo doubts whether Minseok oppa sees her as a cute dongsaeng or as a woman. Because frankly which woman is not happy if every day a man brought her flowers with a sweet smile. Jisoo must admit that Minseok oppa began to crawl into her heart. In addition to Minseok oppa, She also occasionally think about Kyungsoo oppa. Kyungsoo is so sweet, every Saturday night they meet to shop. Kyungsoo likes to recommend foods that are easy to cook, as well as showing Jisoo how to pick good fruits and vegetables. Jisoo who had always felt lonely while shopping, now feel happy because there is someone who accompanied her.

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