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Wow, it's been more than a month since the last update! I try to make up the long absence by this long chapter, hope you all will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! ;D I wrote this while listening to Taylor Swift- Delicate and Aislin Evans-Feel about you, if you haven't listen to it, then you should! I love those songs XD

Warning! Smut ahead!!!


Jisoo woke up with a huge headache.

She opened her eyes to see Kris oppa next to her, sleeping. His beautiful face was facing her, making her eyes wandering around his features. His perfect eyebrows, long eyelashes, straight nose, and soft pink kissable lips. Jisoo often wondered how she managed to snatch twelve sinfully handsome men.

Everytime she went out with one of her boyfriends, girls all around would stop and stared at them, making her a bit possesive sometimes. Jisoo would hook her arms tightly around one of them everytime they'd go out, making sure every girl know that they're hers.

Jisoo blushed at her thoughts and she glanced at Kris oppa only to be surprised that his eyes were already staring straight at hers. His lips twitched as if he's holding back a smile. Jisoo stayed quiet, mesmerized by his intense eyes. Kris oppa is one of the quietest between her boys beside Kyungsoo oppa. She could never guess what is in his mind. He only talk when it's needed and whenever Jisoo needed a warm hug, he's always there for her. Jisoo love all his thoughtfullness.

Like when she caught him glaring at Baekhyun to stop teasing her.

Or when he gave her more chicken from his plate because he know how much she freakin love it.

Her fingers unconsciously raised and softly touched Kris oppa lips as they continued to stared at each other. Kris oppa eyes stared at her intensely as he kiss her fingers. Jisoo felt heat rushing through her head at his actions.

"Oppa..", said Jisoo embarrassed as she tried to pull her hand away. Kris oppa firmly held her hand, not letting her go. He continued to kiss to her palms as Jisoo held back a moan.

"Hmm.. Don't go, Jisoo.. I always love kissing you", said Kris oppa against her palms. Jisoo headache miraculously disappeared as Kris oppa continued his soft kisses.

Jisoo smiled as she snuggled to Kris oppa deeper, wanted to be surrounded by his warmth and scent. Kris oppa tilted her head suddenly and before she knew it, his lips were against hers. Kris oppa let a groan of relief as if kissing her was a cure to his pain. Jisoo smiled as she kissed him back, reaching to grab his hair tightly.

Kris oppa let out a moan and kissed her more desperately, aggressively, as if he couldn't get enough of Jisoo. Jisoo love that she's the only one who could see him this openly. He won't easily showed his feelings, even in front of his brothers. Jisoo love how he bared his expressions and feelings raw to her. Jisoo thoughts began to disappeared as she felt him kissing her collarbones, his hands began to open the buttons on her blouse. Jisoo blushed because eventhough she'd kissed all the Exo brothers (omg Jisoo!), they'd never go more than that. Jisoo had a feeling that they'd discussed this matter by themselves (It embarrassing if she even think about it).

Kris oppa had stop kissing her as his hands held her blouse. His usually expressionless face seem red (Is he blushing?).

Kris oppa asked softly asked he toyed with her blouse buttons, "Can I take these off?".

Jisoo closed her eyes tightly and managed to nodded yes. How can people have sex? This is so embarrassing!

Kris oppa slowly opened her blouse, leaving Jisoo only with her bra and skirt. Unconsciously she tried to covered her chest but Kris oppa stop her.

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