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Guysss I'm so sorry for the long break but because I have a medical profession, I was needed in this Covid 19 pandemic. I really want this story to finish and not be on a hiatus from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate you all that read my story that I write when I was frustated because there's not enough reverse harem stories in this site ;D. Stay safe guys! Wear mask and wash your hands!

P.s Jongdae already have a daughter :""" I'm so happy for him


Warning: smutt contentt


Jisoo tried to concentrate in her last class today. Orthodontics class, where she study about treatments for many types of malocclusion in the field of dentistry. Her eyes continued to glance toward the clock, waiting for the time to go home.

Today is her last class before the start of the long end semester break. As her Orthodontics lecturer, Mrs. Lee, turned to face them with a smile, the students began to murmur happily sensing that the class is over.

"Ok, don't forget your final assignment to find out the definition of the mandibular tear drop movement. Today's class is over, have a nice vacation," she said.

The students start to chatter in excitement and one by one slowly going out, emptying the classroom. Jisoo just casually tidied up her stationery and put it in her bag.She slowly walked out the classroom, staring at the clear bright sky. Her other best friends had already went on vacation first.

Jennie went on a vacation with her boyfriend to Hawaii. Chaeyoung returned to Australia, so did Lisa who returned home to Thailand to be with their family.

Jisoo waited as usual at the front gate, glancing at the ice cream stand. She was going to buy it but suddenly remembered the previous ice cream tragedy with Yixing oppa and changed her mind. Maybe next time when nobody's picking her up.

The sound of the car honking broke her mind and Jisoo turned to see who was in charge of picking her up today. She saw Chanyeol oppa, with his favorite baseball cap, waving and smiling widely at her. She smiled at how excited he look and hurried over to get inside his large green Land Rover Jeep.

Jisoo leaned in to peck Chanyeol oppa's lips, feeling happy and free since her classes are over.

No lab works.

No assignments.

No classes.


Don't get her wrong, she loves Dentistry. But a girl ought to have some refreshing time, right?

Chanyeol oppa chuckled at her blissful face.

"You look really happy, babe"

"I know right, oppa. I love Dentistry, but I guess a need a break"

"Ofcourse! That's why I'm here to take you somewhere"

Jisoo's eyes widened at his words.

"Sincha (Really)!! Where are you taking me? Do the other oppas know? Wheree, oppa?", asked her excitedly, taking no break to spit her questions.

"Wooow, slow down baby. To answer your questions, No I won't tell you because it's a surprise. Second, of course I needed to ask the others permission. It's really hard to get you all by yourself, you know. Third, as I say before, S-E-C-R-E-T", answered Chanyeol oppa patiently.

"Emmm okay oppa!", exclaimed Jisoo, feeling a bit guilty since her boyfriends are fighting over to spend time with her.

Chanyeol glanced at her to see her guilty face.

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