Kim Jongin

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Jongin feels there is something strange with Sehun. They were sitting in the cafeteria, waiting for the next class, and Sehun was looking at something with an intense gaze. Sehun always looks bored and annoyed, and his expression this time looks different than usual. Jongin knows Sehun almost all his life, since they were 6 years old and trapped in that orphanage.

He remembers when Sehun first entered the orphanage, he cried continuously for 3 days wanting his mother. Jongin does not understand Sehun's feelings, because Jongin himself never met his mother. Minseok and Luhan hyung, longest inhabitants of the orphanage and the oldest members of Exo, said that Jongin was found in front of the door as an infant. Jongin is left with a piece of paper bearing his name is Kim Jongin, and a shabby old blanket covering him. Luhan hyung, who was 9 years old, was the first to find Jongin, and immediately yelled for Minseok hyung and Mrs. Ahn the orphanage caretaker. Therefore Jongin always feel close to Luhan and Minseok hyung than the others, he considers them both his father and always respect them. Minseok, Luhan, and Kris hyung struggled a lot to get them all out of the orphanage, taking care of their adoption papers once both of them reach 18. Jongin loves all members of Exo and is willing to die for them.

Jongin was 9 years old when he first gets to know dance. He saw a man dancing on TV and he for the first time in his life was mesmerized. Suho hyung laughs at him, ruffles his hair and says "You never saw dancing before? Why are you so stunned? ". Minseok hyung laughs and tells Suho not to disturb him and let him alone. When Jongin is determined to be a dancer, Baekhyun and Chanyeol hyung teased him, their age at that time was around 12 years he thought, Jongin feel embarassed and hide in his room.

There was a slow tap on the door, but Jongin just kept quiet, feeling hurt with Baekhyun and Chanyeol hyung. Luhan hyung came into the room and sat by his bed. They sat for a long time before Jongin felt a soft caress on his head, and finally Jongin burst into tears again.

"Jongin, I think that's a very good idea. Dance makes you happy, you do not need to care about other people's words. You must emphasize your own happiness, "said Luhan hyung gently.

Jongin sobbed softly and answered "Really?" while peeking through the covers. Jongin never forget Luhan hyung's face then, he looks proud and smiles saying, "Yes Jongin, do not worry, Minseok and Suho hyung have advised Baekhyun and Chanyeol not to tease you, we fellow brothers must support each other". Jongin until now always remember Luhan hyung words, whatever happens Luhan hyung ranks first among his other hyungs. Not long after that Minseok hyung came into the room and the three of them discussed about what stage name would be suitable for Jongin. Luhan hyung suggested Kai which means victory in mandarin. That night Kai's name was born.

Jongin checks his watch and realizes that in ten minutes the free dance class will start. He looked at Sehun again and saw that Sehun was still looking sideways. Curious, Jongin turned in that direction and saw Kim Jisoo. Jongin, like Sehun, is not interested in dating. Even so, Jongin knows who are the most popular women on campus, and the most popular one is Kim Jisoo. Jongin often hear the name of Kim Jisoo called on campus.

When Jisoo first entered Seoul National University, Jongin's classmates who were one level above Jisoo talked about the beautiful women who had just entered the dentistry faculty. Jongin himself never met directly with Jisoo, because the building of dentistry and the art building are far apart. When Jongin first met Jisoo, the campus was getting dark and the rain came down heavily. Jongin is too absorbed in his dance practice for the campus art events that is held every year so he does not feel that it is already night. As he came out of the practice building, the sky was already dark and the rain poured down. Jongin cursed himself for not carrying an umbrella, whereas Kris hyung told him to carry an umbrella because every day it rained heavily.

Not long after he stood looking at the rain and wondering if he should just run to the parking lot that is far enough, he heard the sound of footsteps from behind. Jongin turns and sees a woman walking towards him and as soon as the woman approaches, Jongin realizes the woman is beautiful and hopes she will not bother him. Jongin knows that he has a lot of fans who like to watch his dance practices, but when the woman is up next to Jongin, she just stares at the rain. Jongin eventually turned back to the front.

"Forgot to bring an umbrella?", asked a soft and husky voice.

Jongin turned to his side as he realized the question was on him. Jongin saw two pairs of beautiful and clear eyes, and Jongin wondered whether he had ever seen such beautiful eyes before.

"Oh? Emm .. Yeah, "answered Jongin awkwardly. Jongin tried not to get involved with women, because he thought women is scary.

"Here," she said, holding out an umbrella. "My friend gave me an umbrella, but when I checked my bag, I was carrying my umbrella. You can use my umbrella, return it at any time, " she continued.

"You do not need to bother," said Jongin trying to politely refuse.

She grins and said "Well, no trouble at all, take it, if you don't use it again then return it to me, my name is Kim Jisoo from dentistry".

Jisoo puts the umbrella into Jongin's hand as she opens the other umbrella for herself. "See you later," Jisoo shouted with a smile and then she ran out of the rain.

For the second time in his life, Jongin was mesmerized.

Jisoo's umbrella is still stored in his room next to the closet. He observes it from time to time, pondering when it will return to its owner. Jongin looked at his watch and saw there was only five minutes left before his class began. He and Sehun rush out of the cafeteria, and Jongin turns to Jisoo for the last time. "See you later," said Jongin silently.

Jongin :)

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