Kim Jisoo

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Jisoo took a deep breath. Finally she has time to rest a moment from the many cafe visitors. Jisoo works part-time at a small cafe called "Coffee Time " near her apartment. The cafe is small and warm, where people can spend their free time relaxing and reading books. The cafe owner named Mr. Choi provides books at the cafe for café customers to enjoy. According to Mr. Choi in these days young people rarely spend their time reading books. Mr. Choi is a kind man, when Jisoo first apply for the job and said she did not have any work experience, Mr.Choi just smiled and said no problem because if we do not start something, it's not going to be an experience. Mr. Choi accepted Jisoo, and Jisoo went straight to work the next day. Working there does not make much money, but Jisoo has been in love with the cafe since the first time she saw it.

The doorbell ringed signing that there was a customer who entered the cafe, Jisoo looked up and saw a pair of lovers holding hands walking into the cafe with a happy smile. Jisoo looked at them until they sat on the back sofa in the cafe. Jisoo has never dated before. Indeed, Jisoo has a few little crushes in the middle school such as Minho who is good at soccer, and Namjoon who is the smartest student when she was in seventh grade. But Jisoo never been in love like in the novels that always describe love is when the world seemed to belong to both, and feels the spark when they touched. Jisoo does not feel that love is enough to live in this world. Examples are her own parents.

Jisoo's mother married Jisoo's father in the hope of being happy forever. They were highschool sweethearts. Jisoo's father works as a city firefighter, and their life were beautiful until one day Jisoo's father died in his job trying to save a child who was trapped in a fire. Jisoo who was then 6 years old doesn't understand anything, doesn't understand where her father who every night always read a bedtime story disappears, doesn't understand why her mother was sobbing every night. Since then Jisoo's mother has turned different 180 degrees, she always worked hard all day and often leaves Jisoo alone at home.

Jisoo often goes home from school to find the house is empty. When Jisoo was 10 years old, she began to understand that because of love her mother became like this. Her cheerful, always smiling mother turned into a robot who did not know happiness. Whatever Jisoo does to make her mom happy, like showing her good test results, paintings that her teachers praised , and championship medals, nothing works to make her smile. When Jisoo was 16 years old, her mother started taking drugs. That is when she started to get physical.

If she doesn't get drugs even one day, she gets crazy and started to scream and hits Jisoo. And at that moment Jisoo gave up to please her mother. After finishing high school, Jisoo as soon as possible move from her childhood home to her present apartment. Since elementary school, Jisoo has been saving money and her savings is enough to rent her tiny apartment now. Jisoo began to take part in all the contests, beauty contests, physics contests, all contests that give prizes in the form of money. The money that Jisoo gets will always go into her savings. Jisoo is always grateful for that. Jisoo learned one lesson from watching her own parents and that is to never fall in love.

The doorbell rang again, and this time a man in his late twenties entered the cafe. Jisoo smiled sweetly to greet him.

"Good evening sir, what do you want to order tonight?", asked Jisoo.

"A cup of Americano coffee, please."

"Coming soon sir, a total of 2500 won"

The man gave 5000 won, and when Jisoo will give his change, he refused with a smile, "Keep the change". Jisoo hurriedly brew the coffee, and handed it to the man. He thanked her with a sweet smile.

The man sits where he always sit, on a round couch by the cafe window. The man every night came to buy coffee and sat looking out of the cafe. He always tells Jisoo to keep the change. Jisoo always thought what he was thinking about. He's a handsome man, with cat-like eyes, fair skin and when he smiles his gum shows up. Jisoo wonders whether the man has a wife in the house waiting for him or he is a man who still wants to feel the joy of living alone. Jisoo is familiar with the man's orders because every night he always just buy a cup of warm Americano. She began fantasizing about the man's name and guessing who his name might be.

"Taeyang? Yeonseok? Or maybe Jaeho? He looks like a Jaeho. "Jisoo thought as she sweeped the cafe floor.

Many cafe visitors are already going home, considering it's already 10 pm. The only remaining visitor is that man. But soon he went out to go home too. Jisoo went to his table to clean up and saw a wallet left behind. Without thinking Jisoo immediately took the wallet and ran out of the cafe. The man was seen walking slowly getting ready to cross the street. Jisoo tried to yell as loudly as possible.

"Excuse me! Sir! Sir! Yes you the one in the black coat!"

The man looked back in surprise. Jisoo managed to get in front of him with a gasp.

"Your wallet," she said, holding out his wallet.

"Oh! Thank you very much! I'll have trouble if my wallet is gone! "He replied with a smile of relief. Jisoo smiled at him.

"Thanks a lot miss ...?", He asked.

"Jisoo, Kim Jisoo"

"Thanks Jisoo-shi, I'm Minseok, Kim Minseok," he said, offering his hand. He smiles so brightly and Jisoo swears she never saw a smile as blinding as that before. Her heart pounds at that smile.

Jisoo imagines whether this is called love as described in Chaeyoung's romantic novels.


I notice that there's not that many Jisoo fanfics in Wattpad, especially reverse harem stories So I decided to post my story here too XD It's originally posted at Asianfanfics, I'll appreciate if you guys comment to help me improve my writing ;)

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