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Jisoo sprayed a bit of her perfume at her hand and she rubbed it slightly at the back of her neck. She glanced at the mirror in front of her to see her reflection. She look good with her favourite ripped jeans and her maroon sweater that showed a bit of her shoulder. She wore her lucky loop earings and finished her outfit with her super comfortable sneakers. She let her hair wavy tonight not like her usual straight hair.

It's not a date Kim Jisoo, so why're you dressing up like this?

She told her mind to shut up, convincing herself that she always dress up for dinner. She's not convinced enough because she know that it's a lie.

Junmyeon oppa called her on her way home from the arcade and asked her if she could have dinner with him and his brothers. Jisoo figured that she have to look decent enough for a family dinner, she wouldn't want to embarrased Junmyeon oppa in front of his family. She's so excited to meet Junmyeon oppa's brothers. Junmyeon oppa always talked fondly about them. So she excitedly agreed to his invitation. Besides she's always felt so lonely to have dinner by herself.

 Besides she's always felt so lonely to have dinner by herself

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(Jisoo's outfit)


Weirdly enough, after she ended her call with Junmyeon oppa, Minseok oppa called asking her to dinner too. A few of her boys (Yixing oppa, Luhan oppa, Tao oppa, Kris oppa) texted her asking the same. She kindly declined them all, saying she already have an appointment. She felt weird that all of them are asking at the same time but shake her thoughts off. Maybe all of them feel lonely at the same time? She promised herself to make it up to them by asking for a meal together.

She thought of Sehun and Kai suddenly, and smiled because they'd become close enough to know that Kai's real name is Jongin. Also to know that Kai and Sehun oppa live together. They always eat together at the cafetaria with Lisa, Jennie, and Chaeyoung. Sometimes Bambam and his friends (The genius Park Jinyoung, swagger JB, bright Jackson, handsome Mark) joined them so their table is so full and crowded. But Jisoo love all of it. She's just so happy that she's surrounded by all her good friends.

Speaking of those boys, Kyungsoo oppa as always accompanied her every Saturday night to buy groceries. She'd texted him that afternoon to apologized that today they can't buy groceries together. He'd replied with a short okay that Jisoo's worried he would be mad. But a second later he texted again with a smiley emoticon saying she should treat him to dinner sometimes. Jisoo smiled and answered of course right away.


Her door bell rang, making her realized that it must be Junmyeon oppa. He insisted he should pick her up when Jisoo argued that she could get there by herself. She know better than to decline Junmyeon oppa, so she let him be. She hurriedly take her soft pink purse and ran to the door. Feeling nervous for no reason, she opened her door.

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