Ch 1.

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A/N: Drunk You 2 is ending today. Sorry guys.


Jennie groaned as she turned over in her bed. Her head was pounding with a hangover and her body weighed down like lead. She knew she had to get up, since she had class today.

"Get the fuck up!" Lisa shouts walking into the room. She walks over to the large window and moves the thick black curtains to let the bright light in.

She jumped onto Jennie's bed and crawled on top of her. The two of them had been roommates for 2 years now in a decent 2 bedroom apartment. They both attended YG university and became friends awhile back.

"Got off of me!" Jennie says.

"Get up, you have class in an hour." Lisa says.

Jennie groans in response and covers her head with her blanket.

"If you're not up in 5 min I'll hide NiNi from you." Lisa says getting off of her.

"I'll kill you if you even try." Jennie mumbles into her pillow as she tightens her hold on her stuffed bear.


After an exhausting dance class she made her way over to the coffee shop on campus. She opened the door and looked at the clock hanging on the red brick wall.


She sat in her corner booth and looked over at the counter. The one girl she waited for would be here soon. The one that girl that sat in the booth alone every weekday, after Jennie's classes. The one with the cute lips, light brown eyes, black hair and the sweetest smile.

She always had a book in her hand, a warm drink on the table, and a pen tucked behind her ear.

It's been exactly a week since Jennie started to notice the girl. The first time she saw her, the mysterious girl was wearing glasses, and reading a book, and chewing on her pen adorably. Jennie was immediately intrigued by the girl.

She's been working up the courage ever since she first saw her, to walk over there and finally talk to the girl.

Today is the day Jennie Kim. You've been watching her for a week now like some sort of 70 year old creep. You need to make your move. What if she knows I've been staring? What if she thinks I'm weird? Ugh! Why is this so difficult? She's just a girl. I've talked to lots of girls, just pretend like you're talking to a friend. Yeah I can do that. Right?

Jennie was taken out of her thoughts by the sound of the bell on the door, meaning someone had entered the coffee shop.

There she was again. Her black hair was flowing gracefully down her back. She wasn't wearing her glasses today but Jennie thinks she looks just as beautiful without them.

Jennie looked away so that she wouldn't get caught staring, while the girl ordered.

She looked up from her phone to see the girl sitting in her regular booth, book in hand.

You can do this.

Just as she was going to walk over to the girl her phone started to ring. She sighed, angrily picking it up.

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