Ch 6.

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Jennie shivered as a cool breeze brushed over her. She turned over in her bed only to feel cool sheets. Her eyes immediately opened when she realizes that Jisoo is no longer laying next to her.

No wonder it's cold. Jennie pouts.

She heard the faint sound of pots and pans down the hall. She groans and gets up from her bed.

"Yah Lalisa?" Jennie calls out as she walks down the hall. "You're not Lisa." She says as she sees Jisoo standing in her kitchen.

"How observant of you." Jisoo smiles as she turns around to face Jennie. "Sit." She says.

Jennie listens and sits on the bar stools in front of Jisoo. "Where's Lisa?"

"She's with Rosé. I don't think they ever left her bedroom last night." Jisoo says making Jennie grimace.

Jisoo sets a plate down in her front of her.

"Thanks, you didn't have to." Jennie says.

Jisoo shrugs as she puts herself a plate.

"Do you have class today?" Jennie asks.

"Yes. In 37 minutes." Jisoo says looking at her clock.

Jennie's eyes widen, "shouldn't you be going then?"

"Probably." Jisoo shrugs. "I'd rather be here with you." She says making Jennie blush.

"You should still go to class." Jennie smiles.

"I will." Jisoo says. "Tomorrow." She smiles. "What are you doing today?"

"I'm not sure yet, I don't have class today." Jennie says looking at her phone calendar.

"Good. We're going out." Jisoo says putting her plate in the sink.

Jennie raises her brows at her. "What were you going to say if I was doing something?"

"I was going to say, cancel your plans we're going out." Jisoo says.

"You're unbelievable." Jennie shakes her head with a smile.

What am I getting myself into. She thinks.

"Deal with it." Jisoo shrugs, a smug smile on her face.


"Where are you taking me?" Jennie asks as they walk hand in hand.

It was a nice day out, the perfect weather where you could wear a long sleeve and be comfortably warm.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise." Jisoo says.

"Can I guess?" Jennie asks.

"Go ahead."

"....Can I have a hint?" She asks when she can't think of a place. Jisoo didn't seem like the type to do a simple movie and dinner date.

Wait, was this a date?

"Is this a date?" She asks, voicing her thoughts.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Jisoo says.

"I like to know things." Jennie pouts.

"Stop that." Jisoo says glancing at her.

"Stop What?"

"Pouting." Jisoo says looking at her. "No aegyo." She scolds which makes Jennie frown even more.

Jisoo sighs as she stops walking and faces her before kissing her on the forehead. By the time Jennie processes what just happened, Jisoo is already walking again.

"Come in slow poke!" Jisoo calls back.

Jennie lets a small smile take over her face before jogging to catch up with Jisoo.


"I don't know how I feel about this," Jennie says as she walks the forest trail behind Jisoo.

"Don't talk too loud, you'll wake up the cannibals that live here." Jisoo says seriously.

"What!?" Jennie shouts clinging onto the back of her shirt.

"What did I just say?" Jisoo says as she dodges one of the branches. Jennie was too busy looking around to notice, as it came back and hit her in the face.

"Jisoo where are you taking me? I'm tired." Jennie whines.

Jisoo huffs and stops in her tracks making Jennie walk straight into her. She turned around and picked Jennie up over her shoulder.

"Jisoo! Put me down!" Jennie says as she looks at the ground.

"You complain too much." Jisoo says as she carries her. Once they've reached the clearing she sets Jennie down.

"Where are we?" Jennie asks as she straightens out her clothes.

Jisoo doesn't answer as she jumps down onto a lower rock. Jennie turns around to see Jisoo jumping down onto one of the it.

"Jisoo! Wait for me." Jennie says as she goes to the edge of the rock.

Jisoo turns around to see Jennie standing at the ledge with an unsure look on her face. "Well?" She says expectantly. "Jump down."

Jennie's eyes widen at the request. "Like down there?"

It was about a 5 foot drop, to the next rock where Jisoo stood.

"It's not that high Jennie." Jisoo says looking up at the girl. "Here. I'll catch you." She says holding her arms out.

Jennie nods and gets as close to the ledge as possible.

"On three jump. Hana dul set!" Jisoo says.

Jennie closes her eyes and jumps down towards Jisoo. Jisoo catches her easily as she sets Jennie on the ground. The younger girls eyes are clenched shut and her body remains as stiff as a board in Jisoo's arm.

"Was that so difficult?" Jisoo whispers. Jennie opened her eyes and was face to face with Jisoo's. Her eyes went down to Jisoo's pink lips as she let out a shaky breath.

Jennie shook her head as she swallowed.

"Good. Now close your eyes again." Jisoo says, when Jennie looks at her skeptically, she runs her finger softly down the bridge of her nose making her eyes close. "Trust me." She whispers.

Once she's sure Jennie isn't looking she carefully leads her down the path of rocks. Jisoo came to a large clump of trees, beyond which she heard the trickle of water.

Entering the copse without fear, she trod a path by the light of the sun until she broke into the open again, this time looking down on a still body of water, the decent sized water fall, running down the side of the small cliff.

The clear blue liquid dazzled her, as she held Jennie's waist to steady her.

"Open your eyes." She whispered into Jennie's ear.

Jennie opened her eyes and gasped at the sight. The clear spring water falling into the body of water as lush green trees surrounded its beauty.

Jisoo smiled as she watched Jennie. The blue of the water sparkling in her brown eyes as her gummy smile took over her face.

Jisoo was taking in the view of what she thought could possibly be one of the most beautiful people on earth - in that moment, to her, she was.

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