Ch 11.

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The two of them were outside of the music building as Jisoo walked her to class. There was a crowd at the top of the stairs and loud shouts could be heard.

"TOUCH ME AGAIN! I DARE YOU!" She heard a familiar voice shout.

Jennie sprinted up the stairs and Jisoo followed closely behind her.

"Taehyung ah!" Jennie shouts seeing him about to fight Seokyun. She pushes her way through the crowd,"What the fuck are you doing?!" She shouts trying to pull him away.

"Yeah listen to your sister little bitch!" Seokyun smirks.

Taehyung breaks out of Jennie's hold and swings at him. They immediately start brawling as Jennie does her best to pull him away.

"I'm going to kill you!" Seokyun shouts punching Taehyung in the stomach.

"Tae! Stop please!" Jennie shouts trying to stop Seokyun from hurting her little brother.

"Get off!"Seokyun shouts before pushing Jennie hard towards the stairs.

"AHH!" Jennie shouts

Jisoo watched with wide eyes as Jennie fell towards the stairs, she quickly caught her and wrapped her arms tightly around Jennie's body as the momentum of the push caused them both to go tumbling fast down the set of stairs. Jisoo's body protecting hers.

"Fuck." Seokyun says before running away.

Taehyung rushed down the stairs as Jennie and Jisoo stopped at the bottom. Jennie's body ontop of Jisoo's.

"Who is that?"

"Kim Jisoo."

"It's Kim Jisoo."

"Oh my god. Is she okay?!" Taehyung says in panic.

Jennie pulled away from Jisoo's body and noticed that she had blood on her forehead and was unconscious.

"Oh my god blood." Jungkook says.

"Jisoo, Hey Jisoo! Hey wake up Jisoo!" Jennie shouts with tears in her eyes as she shook her. "Someone call an ambulance! Hurry! hurry!" Jennie shouts as tears cloud her eyes."Wake up Jisoo!"

The ambulance arrived and quickly strapped Jisoo into a gurney. Jennie followed the quick pace of the paramedics as they brought her to the hospital.


She sat beside Jisoo's hospital bed as the girl laid there still asleep. There was a bandage on her forehead and three stitches on her upper brow that got cut during the fall.

Her breathing was steady and so was her heart monitor. Taehyung was waiting outside with Lisa and Chaeyoung. She didn't feel like speaking to anyone at the moment.

Jennie held Jisoo's hand and rested her head on the side of the bed as the tears started to come back.

"Please wake up. When you wake up I will listen to everything you say. I will let you boss me around, I won't talk back to you and I won't fuss-" Jennie cries, but she opened her eyes when she heard Jisoo groan. "Ah Jisoo?"


Jisoo's eyes fluttered open as she let out another soft groan and turned her head to face Jennie.

"It's a relief..." Jisoo whispers, her voice low from not speaking for hours. "It's a relief I'm the one that fell hard instead of you, and that you didn't get hurt."

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