Ch 35. Officially Missing You

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3 years later.


"Runn!! We're gonna be late!" Jisoo shouts running her Nephew to pre school.

Junghoe is Chaeyoung and Lisa's first kid together. He was 3 years old and Jisoo and Jennie were babysitting him for the week while his parents were away on vacation together for their anniversary.

"Runnn!" He copies in a fit of giggles as he holds tightly onto Jisoo's hand.

They quickly went into the building and to his classroom.

"Park Junghoe, you've arrived." The teacher smiles seeing the little boy run into the classroom.

"Sorry, we spent a little too much time eating breakfast." Jisoo says breathing heavily as she catches her breath.

"It's no problem Miss Kim, we're glad he's able to join us. "The teacher says politely. "If you would like you could join the class today as well."

"Oh no, I wish I could but I really need to get going," Jisoo says. "Thank you though."

"That's fine then," she says. "Junghoe, say goodbye for now, and join us for carpet time after Okay?" The teacher says leaning down.

"Okay." He smiles before walking over to Jisoo and hugging her legs.

Jisoo bends down to his level and hugs him back. "See yah later buddy. I'll be back to come get you with Jennie, and then we can go get ice cream Okay?" She smiles.

He nods happily. "Okay, auntie Chu."

"Awesome. Go with your classmates, and learn lots. Love you buddy." She says kissing his cheek. He kisses her cheek back before running over to the rest of the class and taking his seat.

Jisoo smiles as he immediately starts talking to his friends, before she's turning to leave.


The sound of the door clicking shut signals Jisoo's arrival home before she's putting her bag down with a sigh and removing her coat.

"Jendeukie! I'm home!" Jisoo says walking into the apartment, noticing it was really quiet.

She checked the living room, kitchen, and office but they were all empty. She walked up the upper part of their condo and opened the door to their bedroom.

Jisoo smiled softly at the sight of her wife cuddled into the white covers, she kisses Jennie softly and rests her hand on the back of the sleeping baby on her chest, softly rubbing.

Jaesoo, was Jennie and Jisoo's new born daughter, born just three months ago. Jennie and Jisoo were madly in love with their new addition and spent every free second with her.

Jennie smiled and opened her eyes, letting out a sleepy sigh. "Hi baby."

"Hi, sorry to wake you." Jisoo smiles kissing her.

"It's okay." She says. "Did Junghoe have any troubles?" Jennie asks.

"Nope, he's having a great time with his friends at school." Jisoo says letting her fingers play with the soft black hair on her daughter's head.

"That's good." Jennie smiles. "This ones been asleep for while now, she should wake up soon." She says looking down at the newborn on her chest.

"I love you." Jisoo says kissing Jennie's cheek. "Don't ever forget that."

"I love you too." Jennie smiles.

Jisoo's phone starts ringing bringing her out of her trance. She grabs it off the side table and sees that it's a face time call from Lisa.

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