Ch 37. You & I.

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Jennie sat on the couch of the living room with Jaesoo laying on her chest. She was watching tv, waiting for Jisoo's broadcast.

Jisoo was away for the night to promote her new drama series before coming back tomorrow morning.

Jennie turned Jaesoo so that she was facing the TV just as Jisoo appeared on the screen.

"Oh Look Jaesoo, It's Mommy, and uncle Tae." Jennie says pointing on the screen.

"Today's Guests are the cast of new drama series 'Somewhere like this.' We have Park Hyunsik, Park Sooyoung, Kim Taehyung and Kim Jisoo."

"Yay!" Jennie smiles clapping Jaesoo's hands.

Jennie watched the interview as they talked about the show and filming, along with other things. She was super proud of both her brother and her wife.

"Kim Jisoo, we know you have a new born at home, what's that been like for you?"

"Amazing. It's been difficult being away from them for work because I miss them so much, but it's been such a great experience. It was a big adjustment for my wife and I but we love being moms, and there isn't a thing I would change." Jisoo smiles.

"Now, we've seen your wife at various events and small interviews and you two never fail to steal the show. I understand that you two have a very large fan base, and I like to know, what's your secret to a successful marriage?"

"Well it's a number of things really. Finding the right person is the first thing. To me Jennie Kim has always been my...unicorn. You know, unbelievable, special, the girl I thought could never exist." Jisoo says making Jennie smile.

She remembers when there was a time that Jisoo didn't believe in unicorns, and the simple statement makes her heart flutter a little.


Jisoo opened the door quietly and set her keys down and removing her jacket. It was another late night at work and the house was quiet.

She made her way to the kitchen and opened the fridge for some water. A small smile took over her face as she saw a plate in the fridge, wrapped up, with a note on it.

I know you'll be hungry, eat up! XO

Jisoo pulled the plate out of the fridge and warmed it up. After eating her late dinner she went up stairs to the nursery.

Quietly she opened the door and checked on her sleeping daughter. Jisoo was surprised to see Jennie asleep on the day bed, across from the crib.

Jisoo smiled and walked over to the crib and sat on the floor, cross legged. She took a moment to just watch Jaesoo. Her little chest moving up and down, providing comfort and reassurance. Her soft black hair, and chubby cheeks, always reminding her of Jennie.

Jisoo looked over at her sleeping wife only to notice that she was close to falling off the small bed. Her eyes widened and she slid over onto the floor by the bed just as Jennie fell, effectively letting her wife fall on top of her instead.

Jisoo lets out a deep breath, as the wind gets knocked out of her, but Jennie doesn't wake up. She only wraps her around Jisoo, still sound asleep.

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