Ch 14.

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"You always drag me wherever you want to go." Jennie notices as Jisoo leads her down the trail of the park.

"Remember in the hospital you said you would listen to me and not make a fuss." Jisoo smiles looking over her shoulder.

"Y-you heard that?" Jennie blushes.

"Of course I did. My ears didn't break in the fall."

Jisoo pulls her towards a bridge with a small river flowing beneath it.

They stop by it and Jisoo lifts her self onto the ledge making Jennie's eyes widen.

"What are you doing?!" Jennie asks quickly.

"I'm sitting." Jisoo answers simply. "Come." She says patting the spot next to her.

Jennie looks at her reluctantly and looks over the bridge again. Jisoo turns to face her so that her legs are straddling the bridge as she holds her hand out to Jennie.

She swallows before taking Jisoo's hand as the girl helps her up. She sits over the ledge and nervously looks down at the water.

Jisoo grabs her waist and turns her sideways so that they're facing each other.

"I used to come here all the time. Before my parents died." Jisoo says quietly. "Everyday after school I would disappear and Seokjin would have to come find me, knowing our parents would be upset...When he did find me we would just sit here and throw rocks into the water. Whoever made the biggest splash would win." Jisoo smiles fondly at the memory. "After our parents died, he didn't want to come here anymore. It probably hurt him the most, our father was his best friend."

"What happened?" Jennie whispers.

"Drunk driver." Jisoo answers simply. "They were coming home from the bakery with Joohyun's birthday cake when the driver ran a red light...they died on impact." Jisoo says quietly. "After that, things changed. We changed."

Jennie watches her intently as she picked at the stones on the ledge. "Joohyun threw herself into school and music in attempt to distract herself, things started to go down hill when Seulgi moved away. She just stopped caring about everything and eventually left to start training at SM. Seokjin pretended that he was fine and took care of us, but behind closed doors he was a mess..."

"What about you?" Jennie asks quietly.

"Me?" Jisoo scoffs. "I was just angry. I was so mad at the world, at the driver, and at...everything. I just kept think why? Why, take both of them? Why not take me instead? Why is my big sister moving away? Why is my brother crying alone?" Jisoo says harshly wiping the single tear that fell. "I just didn't understand." She sighs. "But then I learned to accept it. I knew my parents wouldn't be happy if I just sat in my room crying for the rest of my life, so I learned from it instead. Now...tell me what you're afraid of." Jisoo says looking at her.

Jennie gulps and looks down at her hands making Jisoo entwine them with hers.

"You shouldn't be afraid of falling Jennie." Jisoo says quietly. "Life is too short for that."

"How do I know it won't hurt?" Jennie whispers. "You can't promise me that."

"No I can't." Jisoo says making Jennie look up at her. "But I can promise that I'll be there to catch you." She says looking into her eyes. "But I can't do that if you won't let me." She says.

Jennie doesn't say anything. She's only afraid of being hurt, she's afraid that If she does fall and get hurt that there won't be anyone to pick up the pieces. It's happened before and she doesn't want to do it again.

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