Ch 27.

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A/N: Yooo both my edits hit 12K views and I'm pumped. So if you contributed thanks fam. ❤️


"Are you seriously making me do this?" Jisoo asks Jennie, who was laying on her stomach.

"Yes." Jennie nods as Jisoo plays with her hair. "It's been confirmed."

"I can't believe this. I don't get why we have to do this. Can't we just keep things the way you are." Jisoo whines.

Jennie gets up and leans in closely. "Listen to me Kim Jisoo. I will not continue to break up these petty little fights between you two." She whispers sternly making Jisoo's eyes widen.

"You're so hot." Jisoo says quietly.

"I know." Jennie smiles innocently and goes back to laying on her stomach.


Later that night, Jisoo sat at the campus bar with Bobby. For Jennie's sake they were trying to make amends and be civil.

She was sitting on a stool next to him, staring at a bottle that Bobby had suggested.

"So this is the thing that will make me unhinged?" Jisoo asks observing the black bottle.

Bobby lets out a chuckle before leaning over and pouring into her shot glass. "Aniy. This is more like a platform. If you just cross this threshold, you'll become unhinged, whether you want to or not." He says before pouring himself a shot and placing it back in front of her.

"I have no idea what you mean." Jisoo says holding it up to inspect it. "Do you mean that I'll be crawling on all fours and such?"

"Mmm well that's a possibility." Bobby says. "Either way, you won't be doing things while you're of sound mind. So don't be too embarrassed by what you may do."

Jisoo looks at it one more time before hesitantly taking the shot.

"But besides that, why do you want to become unhinged?" He asks.

Jisoo grimaces and puts her glass down making Bobby chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?" Jisoo asks.

"I'm considering whether I should play dumb or not."

"About what?"

"Things are not working out well?" Bobby asks turning to her.

Jisoo assumes he's talking about her and Jennie but she pretends like she has no idea what he's talking about. "What?"

He just smiles. "I thought Jennie Kim was useless, but she has the power to bring the almighty Kim Jisoo to her knees." He says and Jisoo grabs the bottle to pour herself another shot. "Who else among us could do that?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Jisoo says quickly taking the shot.

Bobby stands up, stuffing a hand in his pocket as the other holds his drink. "Speaking of Jennie Kim. Want me to tell you something about her that you don't know? You didn't consider that did you?" He says smugly. "That my little friend and I shared some experiences you don't know about."

Jisoo grabs the bottle once again and takes another shot as she listens to Bobby.

"I know what Jennie Kim looked like freshman year, while you don't." Bobby says as Jisoo puts the bottle down.


He smirks to himself. "She looked like a freesia in the springtime. She liked to wear mini skirts and expose her pale legs. She was quite lively. And a lot of guys swarmed around her."

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