Ch 29.

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A/N: Im posting early for Chaeyoung's Birthday!

I made a Video to mimic what Jisoo's birthday video for Rosé would look like. Enjoy!

3 days Later.


Jennie, Jisoo, Seulgi, Irene, and Lisa were all decorating Jisoo and Rosé's apartment with Black, and Pink birthday decorations for the surprise party.

Rosé was out with Jimin on a Sibling date before the party.

Jisoo was blowing up balloons with Lisa, while distractedly staring at Jennie's ass as she stood on the ladder, hanging up the big sign they made.

"Hey! Unnie!" Lisa calls out, snapping her fingers in Jisoo's face.


"I've been calling your name for the past 5 minuets, stop staring at Jennie unnies ass and blow more balloons." Lisa laughs.

"Hmm? I was not!" Jisoo objects going back to her job.

"Sure you weren't." Lisa rolls her eyes.

"What type of cake did you pick up lil sis." Irene asks wrapping her arm around Jisoo's shoulder.

"Red Velvet!" Jisoo smiles. "It says happy birthday Pasta! In big letters."

"Please say you didn't." Lisa says.

"I'm kidding." Jisoo says. "I didn't put Pasta on the cake, but it does say happy birthday Chipmunk Rosé."

"I guess that's as good as it gets." Lisa sighs.

"People should start arriving soon." Seulgi says putting birthday hats on for everyone.

Jennie joins them in the kitchen and kisses Jisoo's cheek. "The sign is up."

All 5 of them made a big banner that says 'Happy 21st Birthday Rosie!' In big baby pink letters.

The doorbell rings and Irene goes to answer it. Seokjin and all of his friends come in carrying gifts, food and Drinks.

"It's party time!" He smiles holding up his case of beer.

"I have music," Yoongi says carrying his stuff.

"Oh you can set up in the living room oppa." Lisa says pointing and he nods.

"I brought food, and a happy mood." Hoseok smiles setting his dish down on the counter.

"I have more drinks." Namjoon says as Jungkook helps him load it into the fridge.

The girls all greet them before the doorbell is ringing again. Jennie opens it and is greeted with Bam Bam, Lisa's Brother, and Taehyung.

Soon everyone starts arriving including all of Rosé friends from school, work, and other things.

"Hi Unnie!" Joy and Yeri greet giving her a hug.

"Hey guys." Jisoo smiles. "Where's Wendy?"

"Right here!" Wendy smiles holding more food.

Yoongi already has music playing and people have already started drinking. Seulgi and Lisa were handing out birthday hats, noise makers, and Jin and Namjoon has somehow set something up to make confetti fall when Rosé walks through the door.

Jisoo didn't feel like getting another terrible hangover so she slowly dipped on her beer and went to find Jennie.

There was a table full of birthday gifts by the living room couch, which made Jisoo happy knowing that Rosé had so many friends that cared about her.

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