Ch 38. Until The End.

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Jennie smiles brightly as she pushed the grocery cart. Jisoo had her arms wrapped around her sides as they pushed together, Jisoo stealing kisses whenever she could.


Jennie's smile fell as screams and shouts filled the store before hearing a gun go off.

Jisoo immediately pulled Jennie into her body and crouched them down onto the floor.

Tears immediately sprung to Jennie's eyes as mothers tried to keep their children from crying, and then she thought of her own daughter who was at Chaeyoung and Lisa's house on a play date with Junghoe.

The rapid fire of bullets filled her ears and Jisoo covered Jennie as she ran them to the closest cover she could find. Jennie sucked in her lips to keep a sob from escaping them as Jisoo held her tightly.

Jennie closed her eyes tightly as a guy with a gun started to walk down their aisle.


Jennie jumped as she heard another shot go off. The spray of bullets only making her cry harder.

"Shh." Jisoo motions covering her lips and Jennie nods.

They could hear footsteps of heavy boots as the gun man walked down their aisle. Before Jennie could even blink the shots were fired off.

Jisoo covered Jennie as they crouched. But then...she heard it. The spray of bullets barely quiet enough for hear to hear Jisoo.

Her eyes opened as Jisoo sucked in a quick breath before letting out a sigh.

And then she felt it.

The warm wet liquid that started to cover her hands as Jisoo's body was pressed against hers. And her weight started to lean onto Jennie's.

And then she saw it.


She looked down to Jisoo's stomach only to see a red patch that was soaking through her pink turtle neck.

Jisoo had been hit.

"No no no." Jennie says quickly as Jisoo pulls her hand away from her stomach.

Jisoo swallows thickly as she looks up at Jennie with tears in her eyes. But she doesn't let them fall.

"No! Jisoo!" Jennie shouts but Jisoo covers her mouth and lays them down onto the floor.

Jisoo didn't want the gunmen to come back and go after Jennie.

Jennie cried as Jisoo held her own gun wound and covered Jennie's mouth with her clean hand.

Jennie could hear the sound of sirens fill the air and the sound of guns clicking into place as help soon came.

She looked over at Jisoo and noticed that her eyes were getting heavy.

"Jisoo! No baby no. Don't do this please." Jennie sobs turning to lean over her as she puts her hand over the bleeding.

Jisoo can only smile weakly up at her. She slowly brings her hand up to Jennie's cheek to wipe the tears.

"Somebody help!" Jennie shouts as the tears fall down onto Jisoo. "Please." She cries.

Jisoo wipes them away as best she can with her thumb. "My life...must have been a reward...because I met you." Jisoo whispers looking into Jennie's eyes.

"No! Please!" Jennie sobs holding onto Jisoo's hand that rests against her cheek. "You said you would never let go of my hand. You promised me." She says kissing the inside of Jisoo's palm.

Jennie didn't care that Jisoo's blood was all over the side of her face and her clothes. All she wanted was help. All she wanted was Jisoo.

Jisoo swallows thickly, as she gathers her strength to speak.
"I'll try asking let me come back to you...I'll ask just for that." Jisoo says quietly as her own tear slips down the side of her face. "...I'll try asking him to let me do that."

Jennie doesn't think that throughout their years together she's seen Jisoo cry, not since Mrs. Choi passed away, and her heart only breaks more.

"Don't say things like that." Jennie cries. The hot tears flowing steadily down her cheek. "Don't leave me like this please. How am I supposed to live without you? I love you Kim Jisoo. I love you."

She could see Jisoo getting weaker and the paramedics rushing over with a gurney in hand.

"Me too. I love you...until the end." Jisoo whispers as she struggles to keep her eyes open, before they fall closed.


This chapter was written to address a major issue in the United States of America. Since the start of 2018 there has been 30 school shootings.

That's I think like, 1 every
3 days.

I wrote this because it's absolutely heartbreaking that kids can't even go to school without the fear of something so horrible happening to them.

Life is something that can be taken away in the blink of an eye and things like this can happen when you least expect it.

Mass shootings are preventable if you know the signs, stop it before it happens.

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