Ch 39. They Need You.

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The steady beep of the heart monitor was the only noise to fill the room. It annoyed her, but yet still provided comfort. Her neck was sore, and her stomach was empty, but nothing felt more painful than her heart.

It only beats for one person, and that one person laid in the hospital bed in front of her, in critical condition.

It's not everyday that you're grocery shopping, and a stranger comes to take the love of your life away.

Jennie's eyes were sore from crying so much, and as soon as she thought there weren't anymore tears to cry, they started again.

Jisoo had been brought into surgery and had yet to wake up. The doctor had informed her that there was a chance that Jisoo would never wake up. Jennie wasn't ready to lose Jisoo. She doesn't know how to live life without her.

The corner of the room was filled with flowers, balloons, cards, you name it. The rest of their close family was out in the hall. Seokjin and Joohyun were a mess and only looked to their wives and each other for support.

Taehyung, Jimin, and Bam Bam waited on their hand and foot, just hoping to ease the pain.

Chaeyoung had cried almost as much as Jennie and as strong as Lisa tried to be strong for her, she couldn't help but cry too.

Junghoe didn't fully comprehend what was going on. He only knew that his auntie Chu was hurt, and his parents were sad, so he stayed quiet and clung onto them.

Yoongi stayed quiet too, doing his best to hide his pain. The light from Hoseok's eyes had been dimmed, his usual happy attitude vanished. Namjoon kept a clear mind and acted as the strong point of the group, even if he was hurting too.

Jaesoo was asleep in the crib next to her. A child so innocent and small, too innocent to understand that one of her mothers life was hanging by a string, and the other, dying of a broken heart.

"Come back to me Jisoo..." Jennie whispers, letting her tears fall.

"I need you...we all do."


Seokjin couldn't stand being in the hospital anymore. He needed a break from it all. He stood up silently and walked away.

He didn't know where he was going, he just wanted to get away, to escape the pain in his heart. Jin pushed open the exit door and found himself in the underground parking lot.

Seokjin let out a deep breath before the sobs he had been holding in started to shake his body.

"KIM JISOO!" He shouted as hot tears stream down his face and he fell to his knees.

Seokjin felt weak. The emotional exhaustion and trauma taking over his body as he sobbed loudly.

He couldn't lose his little sister too. He wouldn't be able to handle it. He wasn't strong enough.

"Why?" He whispers to himself. "I'm sorry Jisoo. I'm so sorry." Seokjin cries. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you..."

Seokjin gathered all of his strength to sit against the wall. His tie loosely tied around his neck, his suit dirty from the ground, and his eyes swollen from crying.

Seokjin swallows thickly as he looked up and closed his eyes.

"Please...Don't take her from me too..."


Joohyun had left the waiting room to go look for her brother but found herself standing alone in front of the room where all the new borns were taken.

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