Ch 13.

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Jisoo felt sweltering hot when she woke up and there was a weight on top of her body. She opened her eyes and was met with Jennie's body on top of hers.

Jisoo smiled at the sight and did her best to move Jennie off of her knowing that if she woke up in that state she'd be embarrassed.

She let out a soft chuckle when she noticed the girl's hand tightly clenched on to her sleep shirt, holding Jisoo hostage.

"Jendeukie...let go." She whispers softly removing the girl's hand from her shirt.

After Jennie let go she covered the girl with the blanket and kisses her forehead before going to the bathroom to shower.


When Jisoo was done with her shower she noticed that Jennie was just waking up. She threw her a towel at the girl's face.

"Wake up sleepy head!" Jisoo shouts.

Jennie groans loudly and throws the towel back at her. Jisoo changes in her closet before crawling onto the bed next to Jennie.

"You know oversleeping is just as bad as under sleeping." Jisoo says but Jennie doesn't move from under the covers. "If you don't get up now you'll have to go to class in the same clothes as yesterday. Do you really want to do that?"

No response.

"Ahh jinja," Jisoo whines. "If you really are going to do that the fashion police are going to come after you. And I'm going to have to throw myself down the stairs to save you again."

Jennie throws the cover off of her head and glares at Jisoo.

"Oh! I didn't know there was a kitten sleeping in my bed." She says making Jennie hit her with a pillow before storming into the bathroom making Jisoo chuckle.

"So damn sexy," She sighs.


"That's not true." Jennie shakes her head.

"Yes it is," Jisoo says as she drives Jennie to class. "Your tiny fist was holding onto my shirt."

"My fists are not tiny," Jennie objects.

"You're clingy like a baby in your sleep." Jisoo says.

"No I'm not." Jennie grumbles crossing her arms.

"Aish!" Jisoo shouts holding her heart with one hand. "It's happening again! Ah my heart!" She whines dramatically making Jennie smile.

"Stop it." Jennie smiles hitting her lightly. "Focus on the road."

"How can I focus on the road when there's in angel in my passenger seat?" She says making Jennie's cheeks redden.

Jisoo turns serious and looks over at Jennie with a small smile on her face. "I think you're an angel sent by my late parents from heaven." She says, "I can't believe it."

"What angel? Jisoo yah."  Jennie says shyly with a smile on her face as she fiddles her thumbs.

Jisoo smiles and grabs her hand resting it on the console. She strokes her thumb over it softly. "You'll realize one day Kim Jennie." She says quietly.


"Jisoo, Why did you order so much food." Jennie whines as the waiter walks away.

"What do you mean, that's just for me." Jisoo says smiling at her.

Jennie chuckles and shakes her head. "You're going to finish it all then?"

"Yup." Jisoo nods. "There are people in the world who can't afford to eat, so we need to eat for them."

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