Ch 10.

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A/N: (Spoiler) The song Jisoo sings later in the chapter. ☝🏽
This song gives me happy vibes.


Jisoo took a deep breath as she stood outside the door of the coffee shop. She could see Seulgi sitting in her booth waiting for her.

She shook her head and opened the door.

"Oh hey," Seulgi says giving her a friendly hug.

"Hey," Jisoo says. " it okay if we sit somewhere else?" She asks. She didn't know why, but it didn't feel right sitting in her and Jennie's spot. Especially if Jennie thinks there's something going on between them.

"Uh Yeah sure I guess." Seulgi shrugs.

They moved over to one of the tables and took their seats.

"So, how have you been?" Seulgi asks trying to make conversation.

"Good." Jisoo says pursing her lips as she stared down at the table.

Seulgi lets out a sigh, "talk to me Jisoo."

"Why did you leave? You broke her heart when it was already broken Seulgi."

"I didn't want to Okay, but I didn't have a choice." Seulgi says. "I loved her just as much as she loved me, but I was being forced to leave. I never wanted to hurt her."

"Yeah well, it's a little too late for that." Jisoo says. "Our parents had just passed away , and you're the one person who could make her smile."

"I'm sorry Okay! Joohyun meant everything to me too, but it wasn't a choice for me to make Jisoo."

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to Seulgi. It's Joohyun who you owe an apology to. When you left, it's like her whole world came crashing down, and I'm the one who had to pick up the pieces. Even I was hurting for her. I know you were my sisters girlfriend, but you were my friend too."

"How is she?" Seulgi asks quietly.

"She's good. I haven't seen her in awhile but I talked to her last week." Jisoo says. "She misses you, you know."

"I miss her too." Seulgi whispers. "... I'm still in love with her."

"I don't think she ever stopped loving you." Jisoo says. "And I heard you're leaving."

"Yeah, finally entering my training period." Seulgi sighs.



"Well, Maybe now is your chance to make things right." Jisoo says leaning back in her chair.

"What do you mean?" Seulgi asks in confusion.

"Joohyun is in training at SM."


From Seulgi: I went to see Jennie. I explained everything but I don't know how she feels about it.

Jisoo sighed. She hadn't seen Jennie in two days and she suspects the younger girl is avoiding her.

She decided she has waited long enough and walks over to the dance building knowing Jennie would be finishing up her class soon.

To Jennie: Meet me in Dance studio A. Please.

Jisoo made her way to the studio knowing it would be empty and sat down on the floor, her back against the mirror.

After around half an hour of waiting she saw Jennie step into the room. Jisoo stood up as Jennie walked slowly over to her.

"You came." Jisoo says.

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