Ch 17.

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Jennie was laying on the couch with Lisa watching whatever show was on tv. Lisa wasn't really paying attention as she played on her phone.

"Hey Jennie unnie," Lisa says.

"Hmm." Jennie hums not looking away from the screen.

"The floor is Lava!" Lisa shouts.

Jennie moves her legs forcefully, successfully kicking Lisa onto the floor.

"Aish Jinjja!" Lisa whines from the carpet making Jennie smile evilly.

Lisa crawled back onto the couch near Jennie's legs and shoved them away.

"You're not even paying attention." Jennie says, seeing smile at her phone. "What are you smiling about?"

"Ohh nothing." Lisa smirks.

"You're so weird." Jennie sighs.

Jennie's phone started ringing and she smiled seeing Jisoo's name pop on the screen.

"Yes? Hello?"

"Jennie Kim. I'm calling because I have something to say." Jisoo says sounding angry and serious making Jennie's smile drop.

"What is it..." Jennie says nervously.

"I won't do something as lacklustre as beating around the bush. Be my girlfriend. Today will be the first day of our relationship."

"W-what?" Jennie asks to make sure she heard Jisoo right.

Did she just ask me to be her girlfriend?

"Why, you don't want to?" Jisoo says sounding less confident than she was a few seconds ago.

"No! No, I do! I'm all for it!" Jennie assures with a smile on her face.

"Really? Okay. Can we have lunch later on then?"

"Okay." Jennie smiles.

"See you soon." Jisoo says before hanging up.

Jennie sucks her lips into her mouth to keep from smiling too widely but Lisa is already looking at her with suspicious eyes.

"What was that about?" Lisa asks. "Does it have to do with a certain someone? Someone who is living with my girlfriend?"

"No." Jennie lies, clearing her throat and wiping the smile off of her face as best she can.

Lisa glares and tilts her head. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Jennie nods biting her lip.

"Are you lying to me?"

"Ye-I mean No."

"Ah hah! I knew it!" Lisa says standing on the couch. "You're in love with Kim Jisoo and I know it!"

"No you don't!" Jennie shouts throwing a pillow at her.

"Ahh then how come when I say her name you always smile." Lisa teases.

"I do not!"

"Yes you do." Lisa smiles teasingly.

"God I hate you." Jennie mumbles turning back to face the tv making Lisa smile in victory.


"Lets arm wrestle." Jisoo smiles putting her arm on the table.

They were sitting at the coffee shop for lunch before Jisoo had to go to class.

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