Ch 40. Baby Don't Cry.

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Song Rec: EXO-K -Baby Don't Cry (Its old but look at them :))


Jennie sat on the couch with their passports and tickets in hand as their luggage sat next to her. She smiled and looked up to the upper floor of their apartment.

"Hurry up and come down, Jisoo! We'll be late for our flight!" Jennie calls out.

The two newlyweds were getting ready to go on their honeymoon. Their first stop being Paris, France.

Her brows furrowed when she got no response. She stood up and walked upstairs to their bedroom.

"Jisoo yah?" Jennie says as she opens the door slowly.

Jisoo sat on the bed with her back faced to Jennie. She was breathing heavily as she looked down at her hand, that held her side. It was bleeding from the bullet wound.

"Jennie yah. Don't come any closer." Jisoo says looking over her shoulder at Jennie. "You go down first. I'll be...right...t-there." She says breathing heavily as she lets out a quiet groan of pain.

Jennie walks towards her slowly in confusion, as Jisoo stands up.

"What's the matter Jisoo?" Jennie asks grabbing her arm and turning an unsteady Jisoo towards her. She shouts as she sees Jisoo holding her bloody wound with her hand. "Jisoo! What happened?!" She says steadying Jisoo.

"I'm fine Jennie." Jisoo sighs out as she steadies herself on Jennie.

"What happened?" Jennie says frantically.

Jisoo lets out a groan of pain as she falls forward and onto the floor, holding her bloody hand over her side.

Jennie panics and leans down over her. "Jisoo! What's going on?" She says shaking Jisoo as her eyes close. "Jisoo wake up! Jisoo! Please! Wake up!" Jennie says as she cries. "Jisoo What happened to you!" She says as she continues to shake her unconscious wife. "Jisoo! Wake up! Kim Jisoo!"

"Kim Jisoo—"

Jennie eyes pop open as she catches her breath. She looks around the room.

The same white walls surround her, the same steady beep of the heart monitor, and her wife in the same position in the hospital bed.

She lets out a deep breath, realizing it was just a dream. Although it was a dream, she can't help but think it isn't to far off of her reality.

Jennie looks over at Jisoo and gives the hand in hers a light squeeze. Wishing, hoping, that soon it would squeeze back.

But it doesn't come...

So she rests her head back on the bed and closes her eyes again.


"It hurt a lot right?"

She hears Jennie's voice. The ringing in her ear had finally subsided but all she could see was black.

Jisoo wanted to open her eyes. To assure her wife that everything was okay, but she couldn't find the strength. So she listened...she listened to her wife cry as Jisoo laid there, unresponsive.

"It must hurt." Jennie cries.

She could feel Jennie by her side as the girl held her hand in hers.

"You're in a lot of pain right?" She sobs. "Jisoo..."

Jisoo wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around Jennie, and stop her cries...but it was no use.

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