Ch 9.

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A/N: 👆🏽Lisa, Jennie, Seulgi amd Momo's dance is supposed to look like this.


Jisoo walked around campus before coming across the dance building. She walked in and scanned the place before coming across one of the studios.

She noticed that there was a small group of girls that were about to perform, she couldn't see their faces because they were all wearing masks and caps.

Jisoo has to admit they were all very good looking, and fit from what she could see. She tilted her head as she watched through the big glass window. She could barely hear the music through the window but she could tell it was a slow seductive song.

(EXO- Sweet Lies)

Oh sometimes the truth hurts
Oh more than the lies
Oh we're scared of getting hurt, so we can turn away from the truth

Jisoo watched in awe as the four girls moved in perfect unison and seduction. Their bodies popped and locked perfectly to the beat.

Even though I know it's a little dangerous (so bitter)
I have no confidence, I can handle it (even if it's a lie)
If I can have you by my side by doing this

One specific girl caught her attention, there was something familiar about her. Unfortunately her cap was pulled down low and covered her eyes.

I tell her sweet lies, sweet lies, sweet lies
The sweetest lie in the world baby
I tell her sweet lies, sweet lies, sweet lies
If this is what you want, I'll give it to you

All four of them were amazing dancers and Jisoo's eyes widen as she watches them grind seductively on the floor.

No no no no no, baby don't say you want no liar
No no no no no, baby don't say you want no bad guy

Because the truth hurts more than the lie
You cover your ears with your hands
I don't wanna hurt you either (so bitter)
This is the only way we can be (no matter what I do) so again I
Do it again because I have no choice

Jisoo focused her attention on the one girl and swallowed as she watches her body roll, her abs accentuated in the light of the studio.

I tell her sweet lies, sweet lies, sweet lies
The sweetest lie in the world baby
I tell her sweet lies, sweet lies, sweet lies
If this is what you want, I'll give it to you

Once the dance was over the class clapped for them and they were dismissed. Jisoo stood there waiting out side the door of the class as the four girls packed up and the rest of the students left.

Once the rest of them were gone Except for the four girls, Jisoo walked into the room.

"You guys were great." Jisoo says catching their attention.

"Unnie!" Lisa says removing her mask and giving her a hug.


"Jisoo?" Seulgi says removing her mask as well.

"S-Seulgi?" Jisoo stutters as Lisa let's her go. "What are you doing here?" Jisoo says staring at her in shock. She hasn't seen Seulgi in years, and she missed the older girl.

"I go to school here, hows Joo- actually never mind.  I need to go, call me so we can talk. Okay." Seulgi says throwing her bag over her back before rushing out of the studio.

"I'm sooo confused." Momo says rubbing her forehead.

"Oh, Unnie this is Momo, Momo this is Jisoo Unnie." Lisa introduces.

"Nice to meet you. Lisa we need to go before we're late." Momo says looking at her watch.

"Okay, see you later unnie." Lisa says before leaving with MoMo.

Jisoo was so focused on seeing Seulgi again that she didn't even notice the one girl she wanted to talk to was gone.

Jisoo looked around the empty studio and sighed. But then she caught a glance of the girl passing by the window.

She quickly followed her.

This isn't creepy at all. Jisoo thought to herself.

She jogged to catch up with her and caught her arm, spinning her around as she pressed her against the wall. Her one arm presses against the wall next to the girl's head, pinning her between Jisoo and the wall.

The girl was calm and didn't fight Jisoo, confirming her suspicions on who the familiar girl was. She brought her hand up and pushed the cap upwards to reveal brown, cat shaped eyes.

Jisoo pulled the girl's mask down to reveal her face.


"Let me go." Jennie says staring at Jisoo's lips right in front of her.

She didn't know what she was feeling. Maybe it was jealousy at the fact that Jisoo knew Seulgi and looked at her with a spark of love in her eyes.

Jisoo looked deeply into her eyes making her look away. She tried to push her away but the girl just grabbed her arms.

"It's not what you think." Jisoo says looking at her intensely.

"Really? Cause that's exactly what it looks like." Jennie says breaking out of her hold. 

She rushes out of the building and walks to her car. She opens the door and sits in her car, staring at the steering wheel as she catches her breath.

How does Seulgi know Jisoo? Why am I jealous?

It was the look they shared. The one that's says I loved you. The look Jennie wanted with Jisoo.

Jennie let out a sigh as she started her car and drive away.

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