Ch 24.

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Jennie let out a sleepy sigh as she felt the warm arms around her tighten. A soft kiss on her neck made her smile softly as she fluttered her eye open. 

She turned over slowly and hid her face in Jisoo's neck. The older girls hand softly ran up and down her back soothing her.

Jennie whines when she feels Jisoo try to get up. "Noooo."

"Jendeuk I need to pee." Jisoo chuckles.

Jennie lets go reluctantly, "you have to come back."

"I will." Jisoo smiles kissing her cheek before heading to the bathroom.


"Here you go." Jisoo says sliding her a hot chocolate before taking her seat across from her.

They were sitting in their usual booth at the coffee shop for breakfast before Jennie's class.

"You haven't really read any books in awhile, have you?" Jennie asks as the waiter sets down their breakfast.

"Mm no I haven't." Jisoo says as she takes a bite.

"Why not?" Jennie asks before taking a bite of her own breakfast.

Jisoo rests her head in her hand. "Before ms Choi passed away she told me something. She told me not to waste my days away reading story after story, and to go out and see the world...fall in love." She smiles softly. "She wanted me to make my own story, and I am. I've allowed myself to live a little more, and I just happened to fall in love with a beautiful girl in the process." She shrugs with a smile. "That doesn't mean I've stopped reading for good. I'm just on a little break."

"I love you too." Jennie smiles. "I'll help you write your story, if you help me."

Jisoo holds her hand on the table and gives it a squeeze. "Of course."


After breakfast with Jisoo they both needed to go to class. She was on her way from her first one when she ran into Bobby.

"Hey Jennie." Bobby greets.

"Hi Bobby."

"Oh I just wanted to say thanks for having me over the other day. I mean I don't think Jisoo likes me, but it was still fun."

"What? No. Jisoo likes you she's just...a little hard to get to know at first." Jennie nods like she's reassuring herself.

"Whatever you say Jennie. On the other hand I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to a party tonight?" Bobby asks.


"Please, it will be fun I promise. It's at Hanbin's house." Bobby begs.

"I don't know. Can I bring my friends?" Jennie asks.

"Yeah sure." Bobby shrugs. "I mean as long as you're there it doesn't matter."

"Okay then." Jennie nods.

"Really? Yes!" He shouts before hugging her tightly.

"Uhh Yeah Okay." Jennie says uncomfortably as she manuaveres herself out of his hug.


Jisoo was sitting on the hood of her car tapping her fingers against her phone as Lisa stood in front of her nervously.

"Ahh Jisoo Unnie. Uh..." Lisa stutters nervously as she avoids her eyes. "I'm not sure if I should tell you this...never mind." She shakes her head turning to walk away.

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