Ch 2.

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Jisoo carried the box of pizza into the house while balancing her books she got at the library on it.

"Jin Oppa!" Jisoo calls out.

Seokjin comes running down the stairs and stops in front of her with a big smile on his face.

"Thanks you're the best. Are you sticking around?" Jin asks his sister.

Jisoo shakes her head in response, "I can't. I promised Rosé I would help her study."

Jin opens the box of pizza and hands her a slice. "Well If you're not staying. Have a slice." He says handing it to her.

"Thanks. See yeah." Jisoo says before walking back to her car.

She lived a few blocks off campus with her best friend Park Chaeyoung. Her brother Kim Seokjin lived in a house with a few of his friends. She sometimes stayed over when she knew Rosé was having her girlfriend over at their place.

She took the elevator up to the 3rd floor and walked down the marble floor hallway. Jisoo was loaded to say the least, but she didn't care much about money. Her grandparents gave her over 2 million dollars as a graduation gift and Jisoo has let it sit in her savings account for years now.

She opens the door and is immediately greeted with her dog Dalgome. "Hi buddy." She smiles bending down to pet him. "Chaeyoungie!" Jisoo calls out.

"Living room!" Chaeyoung answers.

Jisoo walks further into the apartment and tosses her bag next to the couch, before flopping down next to the younger girl.

"Where'd you go?" Rosé asks.

"I picked up some pizza for Jin, since he came to feed Dalgome for me." Jisoo says.

"Hmm. I kinda want pizza now too. Are you hungry?" Rosé says as she gets up to head to the kitchen.

"Nah. I had a muffin at the coffee shop." Jisoo says. She smiles slightly thinking about Jennie. She was cute and Jisoo thought it was funny that she sort of just stared at Jisoo for hours.

"Okay, I'll make some pizza anyways. If you get hungry just grab some." Rosé says from the kitchen.

"Chaeng?" Jisoo says as she stares at the ceiling.

"Yes Unnie?" Rosé answers.

"If a girl watched you for a whole week straight every time you went to the coffee shop, and then finally decided to talk to you, How would you feel?" Jisoo says unmoving.

"Well that's kinda creepy that she was watching you." Rosé says. "I don't know, it depends really. Why?"

"No reason." Jisoo says shaking the thoughts out of her head.

Rosé shrugs and goes back to making her pizza. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I don't know yet. Why?" Jisoo asks as she goes to the fridge.

"Well Lisa's coming over, wanna hang out with us?" Rosé asks.

"I don't know Rosé. I'm not really down to being the third wheel again." Jisoo says.

Lisa and Rosé have been dating for 2 years now. They were really cute together and were one of those couples, you knew would get married one day. Jisoo liked Lisa, she was funny and outgoing, and they hung out together on some occasions. It's just seeing them being a happy couple has been making her feel lonely lately.

She's not saying it's a bad thing. Jisoo actually liked them together, they're just a little too much to handle sometimes.

"Just think about it." Rosé says.

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