Ch 23.

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3 days later.


Jisoo sat with a scowl on her face as she sat in Jennie's kitchen with Bobby next to her. Jennie was convinced that they just needed to hang out more and they'd become good friends. She was completely blind to the fact that Bobby was crushing on her.

Jisoo on the other hand glared at him as he smiled and laughed at everything her girlfriend said. Jennie was making them lunch while talking to the two of them, well talking to Bobby. Jisoo was too busy scowling.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom quickly. Where is it?" Bobby asks Jennie.

"Oh sure it's down the hall on the left." Jennie says pointing. Once he's gone she turns to face Jisoo. "Your face is more sour than a baby eating a lime Jisoo." Jennie says leaning on the counter. "Can't you just try to get to know him?"

"Are you serious?" Jisoo asks raising her brows. "I had to contain my foot from being shoved up his ass while he stared at yours!" She whisper shouts.

"I don't know what you're talking about Jisoo. He's just a friend." Jennie says turning back around to stir her soup.

"Oh my god." Jisoo sighs putting her head down onto the counter. "Remember when we were just friends? And then I took that one step." Jisoo asks. "Well that man is looking to take that same step." She says pointing to the hall that Bobby disappeared into.

"It smells amazing in here." Bobby says reappearing.

Jisoo put her hand down and went back to scowling as he took his seat again. Her phone started ringing making her sigh.

"Hello?" Jisoo says picking it up as she goes to the hall for a little privacy.

"Jisoo. Come by my house for dinner later okay?" Seokjin says. He had just gotten home earlier today and was making a healthy recovery. "Bring Jennie and all those guys with you."

"Um okay." Jisoo says before peeking into the kitchen. She clenches her jaw when she sees Bobby staring at Jennie's ass again as she works on the stove. "That little piece of..."

"Jisoo? You there still?" Seokjin asks. "What's going on?"

"Yeah Sorry. I'm distracted." Jisoo says looking away from them. "Jennie is making me have lunch with her friend Bobby and he is totally into her." She grumbles.

"Awe that sucks. Did you tell Jennie that?"

"Of course I did. She doesn't believe me though."

"You'll figure it out Chu. Just don't do anything to extreme. It'll just make you look bad and Jennie will get closer to him instead." Seokjin says.

"That's going to be difficult, but I'll do my best." Jisoo sighs.

"That's the way." He says. "Anyways I should go, Remember about dinner."

"I will. See yah later oppa."

"Bye Jisoo." He says before hanging up.

Jisoo put her phone in her pocket before walking back into the kitchen. She went up behind Jennie and stood there so that Bobby couldn't stare at her ass.

"Hey, Who was that?" Jennie asks.

Jisoo slides her hand underneath the back of Jennie's shirt with a smirk before kissing the side of her head.

"Just my brother. He's inviting us to dinner. Wanna Go?" Jisoo asks. She takes a quick glance at Bobby to see him looking away in discomfort.

"Yeah of course." Jennie nods.

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