Bonus: Seulrene

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•Irene (Joohyun)•

Joohyun sat against the wall of the dance studio with some of the other trainees, waiting for the next group to perform.

She swallowed when she saw that Seulgi was up next with two other trainees. She bit her lip and tried not to stare since Seulgi was wearing a crop top and her abs were on display.

I Miss your Body
Your ticklish breath
I remember vaguely
I can't feel you

I miss your body
Your long flowing hair
I remember vaguely
So where are you

Joohyun clears her throat as she watches Seulgi dance, and she realizes how sexual the lyrics of the song are.

I remember your body body body
Your perfect body
It's almost criminal criminal criminal

I'm talking about your body
I'm talking about your legs
I'm talking about your lips
I'm talking about from your head to your toes
Oh I'm talking about your body
I'm talking about your everything
But where are you?

She catches Seulgi's eyes in the mirror just as she starts to dance to the chorus. Joohyun can feel her cheeks heat up heavily.

I Miss your Body
Your ticklish breath
I remember vaguely
I can't feel you

I miss your body
Your long flowing hair
I remember vaguely
So where are you

The rest of the trainees start clapping, making Joohyun snap out of her intense eye contact with Seulgi.

The manager tells them that they're free to go back to their dorms so she starts to pack up her bag.

She doesn't even notice that everyone has cleared out except for her and Seulgi until she feels someone standing behind her.

Joohyun turns around quickly to see Seulgi there observing her.

"Hi." She breathes out.

"Hey." Seulgi says, nervously playing with her bag. "I need to tell you something."

Joohyun watches as Seulgi walks towards her and grabs one of her hands in hers.

"This May be one of my selfish acts again to make myself feel better." Seulgi says taking a deep breath before looking into her eyes. "But I've really wanted to say this...I meant it when I told you  I still love you." She says, making joohyuns eyes glisten over. "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings and breaking your heart, I broke my own in the process. I won't think of myself and try to hold onto you again." Seulgi says before dropping her hand and turning to walk away.

Joohyun swallows the lump in her throat as the tears roll down her cheek.

"Kang Seulgi." Joohyun calls out before she could walk out the door.

Seulgi turns to face her, "you're still so selfish you know that? Joohyun says wiping her cheek. "You just walk away after you said what you wanted to say?"

She takes the few short steps towards Seulgi and holds onto her shoulders before leaning up to kiss her softly.

She pulls away after a few seconds. "I'm sorry." She swallows. "I'm the selfish one here. I misjudged you...I'm sorry for that."

Seulgi brings her hand up to her cheek and pulls her in for another kiss. She moves her to hold her hips as she moves her lips against Seulgi's. Lips she hasn't felt in years.

She tried to convince herself that she didn't miss her, but now that she feels her again, she can't imagine life without her.


"I missed this." Seulgi whispers as they laid face to face in her bed. Since she didn't have a room mate. "Just being with you."

"I missed this too." Joohyun says quietly.

Seulgi wrapped her arms around her and pulled her closer, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

Your hair's grown a little longer
Your arms look a little stronger
Your eyes just how I remember
Your smiles just a little softer

And I never prepared for a moment like this
In a second yeah it all came back
It all came back

Irene sings softly as she lays on Seulgi's chest.

Cause after all these years
I still feel everything when you are near
And it was just a quick hello
And you had to go
And you probably will never know
You're still the one I'm after all these years

Seulgi tightened her hold around her and let out a shaky breath.

Couldn't help but over hear yah
Sounds like your happy with her
But does she kiss you like I kissed you
Oh I wish I loved you like I missed yah

Joohyun holds the hand on her cheek and sighs as Seulgi captures her lips softly between hers.

Her hands find their way into her hair as she moves on top of her, resting her body on Seulgi's.

She could feel Seulgi's hands roam her body making her hum into the kiss.


"Ignore it." Joohyun says before kissing her again.


"Ugh! God dammit!" Joohyun groans before grabbing her phone off the night stand.


"Did you make up with Seulgi like I told you to?" Jisoo says.

"Uhh, y-you could say that." She stutters as Seulgi sucks on her neck.

"Really? What happened?" Jisoo asks. "You finally pulled your head out of your ass?"

"Look, Jisoo I can't really talk right now." Joohyun says biting her lip to keep a moan in.

"What why not?" Jisoo whines. "I'm bored."

Seulgi bites on her collar bone making her let out a small moan.

"Unnie? Are you doing what I think you're doing?" Jisoo asks.

"N-no." Irene stutters.

"Are you watching porn?"


"Are you touching yourself?" Jisoo says disgusted. "Ew Unnie are you that desperate?"

"No!" Irene shouts making Seulgi laugh.

"Who was that!?" Jisoo says quickly.

"No one." She says covering Seulgi's mouth.

"Joohyun! Are you lying to me?" Jisoo asks. "OH MY GOD! KANG SEULGI!?"

"I gotta go!" Joohyun shouts.


She hangs up the phone and tosses it aside before Seulgi is bringing her back down into a heated kiss.

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