Ch 8.

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Jennie opened her eyes to the sound of Lisa singing at the top of her lungs. She grumbled as she forced herself out of bed, and shuffled her way down the short hall way.

She laughed as Lisa stood in the kitchen dancing by herself to the quiet music she had playing.

"Oh! Did I wake you?" Lisa asks hearing Jennie's laugh.

"Yes, but it's okay. I need to get up anyways." Jennie shrugs as she pours herself a cup of coffee."How was your day yesterday?"

"It was good, We went out around the city, doing a bunch of different things. It was fun and I think Rosie really liked it so we might do it again soon." Lisa says as she flips the eggs in her pan. "Hey!" Lisa shouts suddenly, startling Jennie.

"Jesus! What?" Jennie says as she catches her breath.

"We should go on a double date again. That was sooo fun last time." Lisa says excitedly.

"Mm I don't know we'll see." Jennie shrugs. She didn't really know where her and Jisoo stood so she didn't want to agree to anything yet.

"What, Why not. I'll even ask Jisoo Unnie for you if you're gonna be too chicken to do it yourself." Lisa pouts.

"Hey. I am not chicken." Jennie says crossing her arms.

"Then why don't you just ask her to be your girlfriend already." Lisa challenges.

"Because! We've only been on one date." Jennie says throwing her arms in the air. "That hardly counts as her being my girlfriend."

"That's not true. You guys have been out on several occasions, you just don't call it a date." Lisa says taking a bite out of her bacon.

"They are not dates, we're just...hanging out." Jennie shrugs.

"Hanging out?" Lisa raises her brows at her.

"Yeah, We're friends." Jennie says avoiding eye contact with Lisa. "And friends hangout."

"Mm you're right. Friends do hangout." Lisa says. "But friends don't kiss each other, or sleep in the same bed-"

"-we've slept in the same bed!" Jennie argues.

"Not romantically, weirdo." Lisa says. "Anyways the point is, you like her, and she likes you, so get to it already." Lisa says clapping her hands together.

"You're an annoying roommate." Jennie glares.

"Thank you." Lisa shrugs off. "Now eat." She says setting a plate of burnt bacon and eggs in front of her.

"I thought I told you to stop cooking." Jennie sighs.

"And I thought I told you no." Lisa says making Jennie chuckle as she threw a burnt strip at Lisa.


"Hey!" Seulgi smiles jumping onto her back.

"Hey," Jennie laughs.

"I didn't see you all day yesterday, what were you up to?" Seulgi asks as they sit down on the floor to start stretching.

"Mm, you know that girl I told you about?"

"Which one? The one at that coffee place?" Seulgi says.

"Yeah that one." Jennie nods.

"What about her? Do you like her?" Seulgi smiles. "Did you finally talk to her like a normal person would do?"

"That's what I said!" Lisa says walking over to them.

"Shut up." Jennie blushes.

"Aww, that's a yes!" Seulgi says excitedly. "That makes me happy Jenjen, now you won't be as sad when I leave."

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