Ch 4.

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It's been a week since the Bigbang concert, and a week since since she's seen Jisoo at all.

Jennie doesn't think she could get anymore depressed than she is right now. It's not exactly everyday you get to go out on a date with the girl of your dreams, only to have her disappear for a week after.

She's tried calling and texting, and even asked Rosé and Lisa, but Rosé just said she went to stay with her brother for a few days and that she didn't know anything else.

Jennie had been going to the coffee shop everyday in hopes of seeing her again but she was starting to lose hope. She thinks maybe it's her fault that Jisoo doesn't want to see her. Maybe Jisoo didn't have fun on their date.

"Hello, anyone in there?" Seulgi says snapping her fingers in Jennie's face.

"Hmm?" Jennie hums.

"You've been spacing out a lot lately. Everything okay?" Seulgi asks.

"Mm not really." Jennie shakes her head as they continue stretching. "I went out on a date with this girl I really liked last week, and I had a lot of fun."

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"Well, the problem is I haven't seen her since then. It's like she disappeared off the face of the earth." Jennie says.

"Did you try calling?" Seulgi asks.

"Of course I did." Jennie sighs.

"Well maybe things aren't the way they seem. Maybe she just got really busy. I'm sure there's a liable reason she hasn't called." Seulgi says.

"Yeah, maybe..." Jennie pouts.

"Just try to take your mind off things for now." Seulgi suggest.

Jennie nods but she doesn't think that's possible at this point. Jisoo was always in the back of her mind.


This is the last day Jennie Kim. You are not gonna waste your life waiting for this girl. She may have ghosted you for all you know. You will wait for 1 hour and 1 hour only. If she doesn't show up, then you will move on.

Jennie is in the bathroom of the coffee shop standing in front of the mirror as she thinks to herself.

Jisoo has been gone for a week and didn't even bother giving Jennie an explanation. Could she really trust the girl if she couldn't even answer a simple text.

"1 hour." Jennie says to herself one last time before going back to her seat.

Today she sat in Jisoo's booth. She could see the clock on the wall perfectly from this seat.


Jennie pulled out the book 1984. The last book she saw Jisoo reading and she's afraid it's the last book she'll ever see Jisoo reading. She shook the negative thoughts out of her head and did her best to try and read.

Jennie wasn't an avid reader, but for Jisoo's sake she tried.



Jennie's brows were furrowed in confusion as she read the last few pages of the book. She was nearly finished which was a new record for her.

"This is a terrible ending." Jennie mumbles to herself.

"I know right."

"HOLY SHI-" Jennie shouts as the voice pops out of nowhere. "J-Jisoo?"

"The main character was the one hope to save humanity in Europe but he's overthrown by 'Big Brother' since he stands alone. No one else is capable of his thoughts therefore leaving him to have the odds of 1 to a billion. He stood no chance of survival and was easily commended into assimilation." Jisoo explains as she takes a seat across from Jennie.

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