Ch 22.

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She sat on the couch across from seokjins hospital bed as Jennie laid in her arms. Seokjin hasn't waken up from his surgery and Jennie came in frantically looking for Jisoo.

The younger girl had fallen asleep a few hours ago but Jisoo couldn't seem to follow. She was quite upset at Jisoo who now had a split eyebrow and cut lip.

"Jisoo oh dear god." Joohyun says rushing into the room.

"Unnie?" Jisoo says snapping out of her thoughts and hugging her sister as best she can. "When did you land? Who picked you up?"

"I just landed an hour ago, Rosé and Lisa picked me up, I would have been here sooner if it wasn't for traffic." Joohyun sighs. "Oh god Seokjin." She says going over to his bed. "What did the doctors say?"

"They removed the bullet without any complications and he should be able to make a good recovery." Jisoo says.

"Aish, how do you guys get into these situations?" Joohyun sighs as she takes a seat in the chair next to his bed.

"Mmm Jisoo?" Jennie mumbles against her neck sleepily.

"Shh I'm right here Jendeukie." Jisoo says softly.

Jennie lets out a sleepy sigh as she clings on to her. Jisoo smiles and runs her fingers softly through Jennie's hair.

"How was the flight?" Jisoo asks her sister.

"It was good, I'm just a little tired is all." Joohyun sighs. "I'm guessing she's your girlfriend." She smiles nodding towards Jennie.

Jisoo smiles at the mention of her and nods a silent yes.

"She's cute." Joohyun smiles.

"Is anyone else out there? They can come in. The doctor won't be doing anymore rounds until morning." Jisoo says.

"Yeah, I'll go get them." Joohyun says before leaving the room.

While she's gone Jisoo carefully moves Jennie more on top of her so that there would be more room on the small couch.

"Hey guys." Jisoo says as they walk in.

Lisa, Rosé, and Seulgi were all with Joohyun. They all greet her with small hugs before taking a seat. Seulgi stood since there wasn't really enough seats.

It was around 2 am and everyone was exhausted. Rosé was on the verge of sleep so she rested her head on Lisa's shoulder. Seulgi was also tired from the flight but didn't say anything.

Joohyun knew her better than that so she grabbed her hand an allowed her to sit in the chair.

They just sat in silence waiting for Seokjin to wake up.


Jisoo was partially asleep. Her neck was sore and her arm was dead. She could hear whispers and from what she could tell they were her sister and Seulgi.

"Are we planning on telling them? I know we were going to, but that was before." Seulgi whispers.

"I think we should wait a few days. Until everything with Seokjin improves." Joohyun sighs.

"Okay, whatever makes you happy." Seulgi says.

"I was ready to tell them too, and we will I promise." Joohyun says.

Jisoo slightly opens one eye only to see Joohyun leaning over to kiss Seulgi. She smiles slightly before closing her eyes and doing her best to go back to sleep.

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