Ch 41. The End?

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•Irene (Joohyun)•

"The bullet entered through your lower back and lodged itself, in the medial of your body, making it extremely difficult to remove. You also suffered a tremendous amount of blood loss, and we needed to replace a quarter of its volume. We were worried that the loss of blood would cause your organs to shut down as you were in a coma. The bullet was surgically removed, and your recovery should be an easy process from here. Do you have any further questions?" The doctor asks.

"Can I see it?" Jisoo asks and Joohyun slaps her arm.

"Yah Jisoo." She scolds.

"What? It was in my body, I should be able to see it." Jisoo shrugs.

The doctor chuckles nervously. "I'm sorry Miss Kim, but the bullet has been taken for evidence." He says.

"Dang." Jisoo sighs. "Do you know when I can go home?"

"We'll keep you for one more night of observation. If things run smoothly, you may go home tomorrow."

"Okay. That's it for now, thank you doctor." Jisoo says and he nods politely before leaving.

"You guys should go home. Eat. Shower. Sleep." Jisoo says nodding to Seokjin and Joohyun.

"We don't wanna leave you Jisoo." Seokjin says.

"Guys, I'm okay. You heard what the doctor said." Jisoo sighs.

Joohyun lets out a bitter chuckle. "Do you know how worried we were Jisoo?" She says looking into her eyes. "We thought you were going to die!" She says as tears brim her eyes. "Why is it that both of my sibling have been shot! Am I next or something? Does god just want me to be hurt and sad all the time? Huh? Tell me! Don't act like it's no big deal, because it is a big deal Jisoo! We were scared to death! I love you! We love you! Don't you get that?!" Joohyun shouts as she paces the room with angry tears flowing down her face.

Seokjin stands up and wraps his strong arms around his older sister and letting her cry into his chest.

"It's okay Joohyun..." Jin whisper stroking her hair. "Everything is okay."

"Come here Unnie." Jisoo says patting the spot next to her.

Joohyung complies as she wipes her tears. Jisoo puts her arms around her shoulder and rests her head against the side of hers.

"I'm sorry for making you worried." Jisoo says rubbing her arm comfortingly. "I just did what I needed to do, to protect Jennie."

"I know. I'm sorry for yelling." Joohyun sniffles.

"It's okay." Jisoo says. "I saw them, you know?" She sighs.

"Saw who?" She asks.

"Eomma, and papa." Jisoo whispers.

"What are you saying?" Jin asks with furrowed brows.

"I saw them. They were sitting where you are right now." Jisoo says looking at him.

"What did they say?" Joohyun asks.

"I'm not sure, I don't really remember." Jisoo mumbles. "But I know it was them, I felt it. Dad winked at me, and eomma kissed my cheek. They told me to stay here."

"Stay here?" Jin asks. "Like...keep living?"

"I think so." Jisoo nods.

"Well, if that really is the case, thank you for staying Jisoo." Joohyun sighs.

"Of course. As tempting as it was to be back with them...I love you guys too much." Jisoo says. "I love everyone here too much...I know that there's still stuff for me to do, and I'm going to do it. By the way, you guys should probably start having kids. Dad thinks it's funny that I have one and you guys don't." Jisoo smiles.

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