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3 Years Later



"Turn it off already," Jisoo mumbles into her pillow.

"You turn it off baby." Jennie groans as she turns over.

"Turn it off Jendeukie," Jisoo whines. Jennie sighs as she sleepily crawls over Jisoo's body and turns off their alarm.

Jisoo smiles and wraps her arms around her torso, laying her back down onto the bed.

"Wait a minute." Jennie says sitting up. "Oh no!" She gasps looking at the time. "Oh no, Jisoo, Baby We're late." She panics slapping Jisoo awake. "Today's an important day."

Jisoo pouts and pulls her back down. "No it's not." She whines.

Ten minutes later...

Jisoo ran through the house in her underwear as Jennie quickly grabbed some breakfast from the fridge.

She quickly poured a cup of coffee as Jisoo came out of the laundry room with her jeans half way up her legs, and no shirt.

The couple were in a rush, since they were late, and Jaesoo had school. Jaesoo was now 4, Jennie and Jisoo had their second kid a year ago. A baby boy this time, named Jaehyung.

Jennie handed Jaesoo some bread and sweetened condensed milk for breakfast.

"I need my shirt!" Jisoo shouts in a panic, as she hops to put her pants on.

Jennie grabs a bottle from the fridge and sets it in front of Jaehyung.

"Here!" Jennie says tossing Jisoo a white dress shirt.

Jisoo throws it on as best she can. "Do we have everything in the bag?"

"Yes!" Jennie says as she hugs her coffee, not caring about how hot it is.

Jisoo looks down at the shirts sleeve only to realize that it had a baby food stain on it. "What is this?" She frowns. "This is yours! Not mine!" She says whipping it off and running to the laundry room to get another shirt. "Here it is!"


"Do well at work, don't get nervous in front of the camera!" Jennie says quickly, as she straps Jaehyung into his stroller.

"Nervous? Please!" Jisoo scoffs as she ties her shoe laces as quickly as she can. "I could deliver my lines while doing a handstand. Do you forget the actress that charmed the pants off of you in college? I'm a genius!" She smiles at Jennie.

"Call me when you get home!" Jennie calls out as Jisoo walks towards the parking lot, and she walks Jaesoo to school.

"Okay okay!" Jisoo says quickly. "Wait wait! My keys!"

"Oh! I have it!" Jennie says digging through her purse and tossing it to Jisoo. "Here eat!" She says tossing Jisoo a muffin, as they rush in different directions. "Be careful!"

"Aish Stop! Stop stop!" Jisoo says turning back around. She rushes over to them and kisses them all on the cheek, "Saranghae!" She says quickly, before running to her car.

Later on;

"Baby! Have you seen my Mac?!" Jisoo calls out as Jennie works on her laptop in the office.

"Check your workbag in the kitchen!" Jennie calls back.

Jennie grabs her phone to make a quick call, and by the time she's done Jisoo is walking into their home office.

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