Ch 5.

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"So you just sit in my booth now?" Jisoo asks as she walks into the coffee shop to see Jennie in her seat.

"Would you rather I sit over there and wait for you?" Jennie smiles up at her.

It's been about a week since Jisoo's break down in front of Jennie and things were slowly going back to normal. That didn't mean Jisoo was over her death, it just meant she was beginning to accept it.

Neither Jennie or Jisoo has brought up the idea of going on another date yet, especially with what had happened last week.

"Come with me." Jisoo says changing the subject as she held her hand out.

"Where are we going?" Jennie asks she accepts Jisoo's hand.

"Outside. It's a nice day out." Jisoo says as she opens the door.

Jennie blushes when she realizes that they're holding hands. Jisoo leads them to the park, right to the bench in front of the duck pond.

Once they're seated Jisoo handed Jennie a cup. "Here, it's for you." Jisoo says.

"Oh thanks." Jennie says, she didn't have to drink it to know it was hot chocolate.

"You know, I think drinking hot chocolate everyday is just as unhealthy as drinking coffee." Jennie says watching as Jisoo pulled out a book from her bag.

"What makes you think I drink hot chocolate everyday?" Jisoo asks.

"Every time I see you, you have one." Jennie says.

"I bought them in hopes you'd come over and sit with me. I've never actually drank them." Jisoo shrugs as Jennie takes a sip.

Jennie starts to choke at the revelation. Jisoo pats her back without looking up from her page.

"You're lying," Jennie says as she catches her breath.

"Believe what you want," Jisoo shrugs.

"What are you reading today?" Jennie asks leaning over.

"Angela's Ashes." Jisoo answers, "It's about a boy, and his alcoholic father. His mother has 7 kids in the span of 5 years and 3 die from illness. He moves from New York to Ireland during the Great Depression and lives a poor life." Jisoo says flipping the page.

"Do you only read sad books?" Jennie asks.

"No. But they make for the best reads." Jisoo says.

"Why's That?" Jennie asks curiously.

"Because everyone has experienced sadness in their life at some point. It's easy to relate to and it adds reality to a story. Not everything is unicorns and rainbows." Jisoo says looking at her.

"Unicorns are real." Jennie says simply causing Jisoo to raise a brow at her. "I believe in them."

"The reasoning behind that statement must be very amusing. Please share." Jisoo says narrowing her eyes at the girl.

"Well everyone needs a little mystery in their life I think, and if a unicorn is the way I choose to have that mystery then that's what I'm going to believe." Jennie shrugs.

Jisoo shakes her head at the younger girl and puts her book back into her bag, knowing there was no way she was going to focus enough to read.

"Where do you think the mystery in my life comes in?" Jisoo says turning to face her.

"That's easy." Jennie says. "Either books or yourself." She shrugs.

"Myself?" Jisoo asks curiously.

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