Ch 25.

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Lisa was doing her makeup next to her in the bathroom as they got ready for Hanbin's party. Jennie had convinced all the girls to go, Jisoo's sister included.

"Are you guys done yet?" Seulgi asks poking her head into the bathroom.

"Almost." Lisa says.

Once they're finished they make their way out to the living room where Jisoo and Irene are waiting.

Jisoo's eyes widened and her jaw fell to the floor

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Jisoo's eyes widened and her jaw fell to the floor. "That's what you're wearing?" She asks as she stands up.

Jennie nods as Jisoo wraps her arms around her waist.

"This is unacceptable Jennie Kim." Jisoo says. "You look too gorgeous."

"Stop." Jennie blushes dropping her head onto her shoulder.

"Come on lets go." Jisoo chuckles.

Everyone was coming with her and Jisoo, since Jisoo had her Porsche Cayenne SS, so everyone would fit and Jisoo volunteered to not drink.

"Pass me the aux chord Unnie." Lisa says from the back seat before plugging her music in.

Jisoo laughed as everyone started to dance and sing in the back of her car, prepping themselves to party.

"Hey! I was doing just fine before I met you, drink to much and that's an issue but I'm okay!" Lisa sings as Jisoo lowers the windows.

I know it breaks your heart
Move to the city in a broke down car, and 4 years roll by
Now your sitting pretty in a hotel bar and I can't stop. Oh I can't stop.

"So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your rover! Pull the sheets right off the corner, of the mattress that you stole, from your roommate back in boulder we ain't ever gettin' older!" They all sing loudly.


Jisoo held her hand as they made their way up to the house. They must've looked like some lesbian squad with all three couples together.

The party was already in session as there were people passed out on the lawn, cups strewn about and loud music that could be heard from outside the house.

They walked in and were immediately greeted with a large crowd of people, some dancing, others making out, most of them drinking.

"Let's go get drinks!" Seulgi shouts and they manauver their way to the kitchen.

"There are a lot of people here." Rosé says as Lisa makes them drinks.

"Hanbin's a pretty popular guy." Lisa shrugs.

"Hey! You guys made it!" Bobby shouts making his way over to them.

She sees Jisoo roll her eyes before flashing a fake smile at him.

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