Ch 32.

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1 Week Later.


Jisoo lets out a heavy sigh as she flopped down onto the hotel bed. One she had been sleeping in alone for the past week. She was starting to get tired of waking up to the same cold white sheets and wanted nothing more than to go back to her warm comfortable bed at home.

She has been away in Pyeong Chang for a week on business, while Jennie was at home in Hongdae. Luckily today was her last night away from her fiancé and she couldn't wait to get back home.

She sat up and pulled her Mac book out of her bag before moving to rest her back against the headboard. She went through her recently called list and clicked on Jennie's name.

"Hi Chu!" Jennie smiles as her face pops onto the screen.

Jisoo could feel an instant wave of relaxation flow over her just seeing Jennie's gummy smile. She smiled and waved back. "Hi Jendeukie."

"What's wrong? You look tired," Jennie pouts.

"I am a little. It was a long shooting day today." Jisoo sighs stretching her arms. "How was your day today?"

"It was fine, Chaeyoung and I went out for lunch and then we went to see Lisa teach her dance class." Jennie says. "I miss you..."

"I miss you too..." Jisoo smiles, staring lovingly at Jennie. "I'll be back soon, don't worry."

Jennie sighs loudly, "how much longer!" She whines making Jisoo laugh.

"It's been 168 hours Jennie." Jisoo says fondly remembering the number. "That's the total number of hours it took you to make the decision to talk to me for the first time."

Jennie smiles shyly, looking down at her lap as her fingers fiddle with the stuffed bear in her arms.

"And now it's been 168 hours since I've last kissed my fiancé..." Jisoo says. "We've come a long way haven't we?"

"Yeah, we have..." Jennie says quietly with a soft smile on her face. "I wouldn't trade it for the world."

"Me too baby, me too." Jisoo sighs. "I'll be there tomorrow afternoon. I promise." She smiles reassuringly.

"Good, cause I really can't take another day in this bed alone, without you." Jennie says. "And I'm not going into work, so I'll be free all day."

"Awesome. I can finally get some alone time with you." Jisoo says. "I talked to my sister this morning, Seulgi and her are having a great time in Hawaii, and recommend it for our honeymoon."

"Hawaii Huh?" Jennie says raising her brows. "We've got some decision making to do. You wanted to go to France too remember? And I wanted to go to Spain."

"Let's go to them all." Jisoo says.


"Let's do them all," Jisoo smiles.

"Jisoo, we can't do them all." Jennie chuckles as Jisoo stares at her lovingly.

"And why not?" Jisoo says.

"Because..." Jennie trails off.

"Because is not a reason." Jisoo says.

"W-well Because...because money-"

"Not a good reason either." Jisoo cuts off. "We could go on a two Month vacation to France on your salary alone Jennie. Add my inheritance from my parents, along with my salary and we could stay there for a year, doing nothing but eating crepes."

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