Ch 34. Night Changes.

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There's a saying that goes, the only constant is change. But is change something we should fear? Or something we should embrace?

"I still can't believe you guys didn't do anything. She knows what you like, why couldn't she just plan something?" Lisa says in confusion as her, Jennie and their new friend, Doyoung, sat in a coffee shop.

Jisoo was at work, she had been really busy the past month with shooting for a new drama series coming out.

"It's not a big deal." Jennie says playing with the top of her coffee cup.

"Unnie, in every relationship, people grow comfortable. There's the 'we can be ourselves' comfortable and there's the 'we can do whatever you want' comfortable." Doyoung says.

"Like forgetting important dates comfortable." Lisa raises her brows.

"Guys a year anniversary isn't that big of a deal," Jennie says trying to play it off. "I mean we're married and that's enough. She's just busy and people forget. So, it's f-fine."

"The point is, people change when they're too comfortable in a relationship." Doyoung says.


Jennie stood in the dark, by their bedroom door nervously. Jisoo was already in bed with her phone in her hand.

You're being ridiculous Jennie. She's your wife. Just go! She scolded herself. But then her mind thought back to what Doyoung had said earlier.

First step you'll see, they become lazy.

Jennie walked towards the bed only to trip on something in the middle of the floor.

"What is this doing here?" Jennie asks picking up Jisoo's work bag.

"Sorry." Jisoo says looking over at her before looking back at her phone.

Second, they stop caring about how they look in front of you.

Jisoo let out a loud burp making Jennie furrow her brows at her. "Ew Jisoo."

"Sorry." She says again.

Jennie slips into bed next to her, as the girl keeps looking at her phone.

Third, they start hiding things.

Jisoo's phone goes off catching Jennie's attention. She leans over to see but Jisoo just turns the phone more towards herself.

Jennie looks into the reflection of Jisoo's glasses and sees a hotel website on the screen.

"Are we going somewhere?" Jennie asks.

"Uh? No." Jisoo says scratching her neck nervously. "Just planning a trip with my friends."

"Oh." Jennie says. "Who's going with you?"

"Um the usual. Park Sooyoung, Park Hyun Sik, your brother. Just the four of us."

Jennie glances at the screen and sees that it's only booked for two people, in one room, but she decides to let it go. Jisoo sets her phone on the night stand and removes her glasses.

"Well, sounds like you guys are gonna have a lot of fun." Jennie says and Jisoo hums in response. "Are we still on for our sun-date tomorrow?"

"Uhm, I wish I could but I have to go into work." Jisoo says. "Sorry, maybe next week."


"Good night." Jisoo says quickly kissing her cheek and turning over. 

"Goodnight." Jennie says quietly.

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