Ch 19.

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"Stop it!" Jennie laughs choking on her food as Taehyung makes stupid faces at her.

"So tell me what you wanted to say." Taehyung says.

They were out for lunch since she hadn't seen him in a couple of days.

"Oh well Jisoo asked me to be her girlfriend and I said yes." Jennie says.

"Oh really? That's great." Taehyung smiles. "She seems really cool. Why did it take you so long to go after her? Was she too perfect for you?" He teases.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Ahh no matter how hard I try I can't understand you." Taehyung shakes his head. "Is it something like this? Is this how you feel?" He says nodding like he's finally figured his big sister out. "How could a girl like Kim Jisoo like me? She is just too perfect!" He says in a girly voice, covering his mouth like a little girl. "And she even has a good personality!" He continues tapping his fingers together. "This can't be dare I. Hmph!" He pouts in his high pitch voice. "Is that it?" He says in his normal voice.

"That's not even funny." Jennie scoffs. "I thought you liked guys." She says turning the tables on him, making him chuckle.  "Aniyo?"

"Ahh my dear sister. Between all my classes do you think I have time to date girls?" He asks.

"Then why did you let that rumour spread?" Jennie asks.

"It's noise marketing." Taehyung shrugs. "It's a strategy. One you wouldn't understand. Since your brain circuit is simple you wouldn't understand it."

"Did you just call me dumb?" Jennie asks with a raised brow.

"I understand you jen jen. You don't have to try and comprehend." He says with a smile.

"When you talk a lot like that, does it hurt your own ears?" Jennie says curiously.

"Ahh no wonder it hurts!" Taehyung says dramatically holding his ear. "Anyways, let's sum everything up and finish our conversation." He says leaning over the table. "I'm crazy for women. They make my heart do flips." He smiles.

Jennie narrows her eyes at him and observed her little brother in amusement.

"What is that look? Why are you looking at me like that?" Taehyung says leaning back into his seat.

"Your shirt is really bothering me." Jennie says crossing her arms.

"You know I don't like plain clothes." He shrugs.

"Ahh yes I know. I know you too well little brother." Jennie nods making him smile.

He flattens out his shirt with a smile and snaps a finger gun at her.

"Did you think that was a compliment?" She asks making his smile drop.

"You're so mean." Taehyung sighs crossing his arms as well.



Jennie turns around to see Bobby jogging up to her.

"Hey." She says as he catches up.

"Hi. I was wondering if you could help me?" He asks.

"Help you with what?" Jennie asks as they walk.

"Um I need a little help with math. Could you maybe tutor me? I'll pay you." Bobby says.

"Um sure I guess. If you really need too." Jennie shrugs.

"Really? Awesome, could we meet in the library tomorrow? The sooner the better." He smiles.

"Sure." Jennie shrugs.

"Cool I'll see you there at 3 after my class." Bobby says before looking at his watch. "I need to go. Thanks Jennie!"

Jennie shrugs and continues walking home.


Jisoo had her arms around her as they laid on the couch. The tv was on but neither of them were really paying attention.

Jisoo was watching her as she played with Jisoo's hand in her own.

"You can tell a lot about a person from their hands." Jisoo says quietly, careful not to ruin their cozy atmosphere.

"Like what?" Jennie asks.

"Gimme your hand." Jisoo says and Jennie complies. "Well you can tell how stressed someone will be through out their life, or how they handle their money, even someone's future."

"Can you tell my future?" Jennie smiles looking up at her.

"Do I look like a fortune teller to you?" Jisoo smiles making Jennie giggle.

Jisoo takes both of her hands and placed them side by side. "If you look up here, the two lines at the top of your palm." Jisoo says tracing them. "They form a happy face if you put them together. Depending on how large the smile is, it depicts how happy you'll be in life." Jisoo smiles.

"Mine looks pretty happy." Jennie says.

"I'd say so."

"What about yours?" Jennie asks turning to her.

"My life will always be happy if you're in it Jendeukie." Jisoo smiles.

"You're so cheesy." Jennie blushes hiding her face in Jisoo's neck.

Jisoo runs her hand up and down Jennie's back making her laugh.

"Stop! It tickles."

"The tickling sensation is just the stimulation of over sensitive nerve endings. Which means you have over sensitive nerves in your back." Jisoo smiles. "Let me see."

"Ah! Jisoo it tickles." Jennie laughs.

"Ahh let me see." Jisoo chuckles.

Jennie giggles as Jisoo wraps her arms around her and presses a soft kiss to her lips. She pulls away only to press another...and another.

"Can you spend the night?" Jennie asks as Jisoo leans over her.

"Do you want me to?" Jisoo smiles and Jennie nods. She leans up to kiss Jisoo again but the door opens, interrupting them.

"Unnie I'm home!" Lisa shouts walking into the apartment.

She looks over at the living room to see Jisoo's head poke over the couch.

"You two better have clothes on." Lisa says narrowing her eyes.

"And if we don't?" Jisoo says raising a brow.

"I'll make you buy me a new couch." Lisa says.

"Does that mean you're going to by me a new couch, cause I know you and Chaeyoung have done it on mine." Jisoo says making Lisa stop in her tracks.

"How do you know about that?" Lisa says.

"I didn't. But you just confirmed." Jisoo says laying back down.

"I retract my previous statement." Lisa nods.

"That's what I thought." Jisoo says.

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