Ch 15.

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"Are they asleep?"

"They look so cute."

Jisoo can hear Chaeyoung and Lisa whisper and giggle in her half asleep phase. The click of the camera shutter made her open her eyes.

"No paparazzi please." She mumbles closing her eyes again.

"Ahh Unnie, But look how cute you guys look." Lisa smiles holding her phone in Jisoo's face.

"I'm going to lock you up in veranda." Jisoo says throwing the couch pillow at her.

Lisa laughs and dodges it.

"Yah Lalisa, lets leave them be for now." Rosé says pulling her away.

Once they're gone Jisoo looks back down at the girl in her arms to see that she's already awake.

"Good morning." Jisoo smiles bringing her hand up to her cheek.

"Good morning." Jennie smiles back, before she's closing her eyes again and snuggling back into her chest.

"Jennie yah, wake up." Jisoo smiles.

"Aniyaa." Jennie whines.

"You leave me no choice then." Jisoo says before tickling her.

"JISOO!" Jennie shouts as she starts to laugh hysterically. She pushes Jisoo making her fall off the couch with a thump.

"Ahhh, jinjja!" Jisoo groans from her spot in the ground.

"Oh! Are you okay?" Jennie asks looking at the ground.

Jisoo opens her eyes and glares at her. "You better start running." She says before sitting up.

Jennie shouts and jumps off the couch as Jisoo starts to chase after her.

"Jisoo no!" Jennie shouts as Jisoo gets closer.

She laughs and gets a hold of her wrapping her arms around her so that Jennie's arms are trapped between hers.

"Free yourself without hurting me." Jisoo says holding Jennie against her.

"Without hurting you?" Jennie asks looking behind her.

"Yes. That's the most important part." Jisoo nods.

"Like this?" Jennie asks bringing one hand to tickle her side.

"Hey! No, stop it." Jisoo laughs tightening her hold.

"How about like this."

"Hajima!" Jisoo laughs wiggling with Jennie still trapped in her arms. Her hold loosens allowing Jennie to pin her onto the carpet of the living room.

"Did I win?"

Jisoo grabs one of her legs making her lose her balance, before grabbing her waist and pinning her to the ground.

Jennie lets out heavy sigh as Jisoo leans over her. Her warm breath hitting her lips.

"No." Jisoo whispers.


"I win." Jisoo says before leaning down to press her lips onto Jennie's.

Jennie's hand moves up to her neck and pulls her in deeper. Jisoo hums as Jennie's tongue enters her mouth. She feels Jennie sigh as she pulls away, her breathing heavier than normal.

"Aish! You're driving me crazy." Jisoo smiles hiding her face in Jennie's neck.


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