Ch 21.

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Jennie was walking down the hall to her class when she felt someone slam her against the wall.

She lets out a groan of pain before feeling a cold hand grab her face.

"Listen to me." Seokyun spits out holding her face in his hand. "Your Brother is going to get it and you're not gonna be there to save him."

Jennie tries to escape as he tightens his hold. "Let Go!" She groans.

"And tell your little girlfriend that if she interferes again, it will be you next." He says before slapping her across the face, causing her to fall to the ground.

He lets out a laugh as he walks away leaving Jennie on the ground. She feels light headed as she tries to keep her eyes open but it's no use as she passes out.


Her eyes flutter open when she feels a cool cloth on her forehead. She looks around to see Jisoo and she realizes they're in the nurses office.

"J-Jisoo?" Jennie says trying to sit up.

"Shh you're okay baby." Jisoo says making her lay back down.
"What happened?"

"Seokyun." Jennie says. "He threatened to hurt Taehyung, he said that if you tried to stop him, he'd hurt me instead."

"That's not going to happen Jennie." Jisoo assures. "And I'm not gonna let him hurt Taehyung either."

"Jisoo please don't confront him, it won't end well." Jennie begs.

"What do you want me do? Just sit here while he hurts the people I care about?" Jisoo says. "That's not going to happen Jennie. He's already hurt you once and I'm not gonna let him do it again." She says firmly.

Jennie just hugs her tightly as a tear slips out of her eye. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I can't promise you that I won't but I can't sit aside and let him get away with hurting you." Jisoo whispers as she holds Jennie in her arms. "It'll be okay."

"Hey, you're awake!"

Jennie pulls away from Jisoo to see Bobby walk into the room.

"How do you feel?" He asks.

"I'm okay." Jennie says. "What are you doing here?" She asks in confusion.

"I found you passed out in the hallway, and I carried you here." Bobby says scratching his head shyly. "What happened?"

She can feel Jisoo's grip on her hand tightening.

"Um Seokyun slapped me. I guess it was hard enough for me to pass out." Jennie sighs.

"What?" Bobby asks. "He hit you?"

"I'm okay." Jennie assures.

"We should go." Jisoo says standing up. "You need rest, I'll take you home."

Jennie is mostly confused at Jisoo's change in behaviour. She seemed annoyed since Bobby stepped into the room.

"Wait Jisoo you're bleeding." Jennie gasps seeing the blood leak through the black of her uniform. "Your wound must've split back open." She says pulling Jisoo back to her. "Let me see."

"I'm fine Jennie." Jisoo insists, while trying to look at her back.

Jennie lifts the back of her shirt to see that Jisoo was bleeding through her band aid.

"We need to re-bandage your cut Jisoo." Jennie grimaces. "Bobby, could you ask the nurse for some bandages please."

"Uh um yeah s-sure." Bobby nods before leaving the room.

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