Ch 30.

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1 year Later.


Her eyes fluttered open and she let out a happy sigh. Jennie laid beside her, as beautiful as ever. The sun flowed through the window making her smooth skin glow and her hair shine.

Jisoo smiled and ran her hand through Jennie's hair, kissing her forehead before pulling her closer.
Jennie let out a sleepy sigh as she wrapped her arms around Jisoo's waist.

"You're not getting up anytime soon are you?" Jisoo whispers against her head.

"No." Jennie mumbles. "And neither are you." Jennie says holding tighter onto her.

Jisoo sighs and kisses her forehead. "I love you." She smiles.

Jennie smiles against her chest with her eyes closed. "I love you."


They sat on the balcony of their apartment eating breakfast while overlooking the city. Jisoo was smiling at Jennie dopily as the younger girl ate her breakfast.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" Jennie says shyly while eating her fruit.

"Because you're beautiful," Jisoo smiles making Jennie blush.

"Eat your breakfast." Jennie chuckles.

"I'm not hungry." Jisoo smiles grabbing Jennie's hand across the table. "What do you want to do today?"

"I don't know," Jennie shrugs. "I don't work today, it's up to you." She smiles giving Jisoo's hand a squeeze.

The two have been dating for 2 years now and lived together in a condo in Hongdae. Jennie was working at a music company and was working her way up the chain while Jisoo worked as an actress for YG.

"I was thinking we could go for a walk today." Jisoo smiles giving her hand a squeeze. "Maybe go to an amusement park." She shrugs.

"Hmm, What should we do first?" Jennie asks tilting her head cutely.

"I think the amusement park." Jisoo says.

"Okay, Whatever you want Chu." Jennie smiles.


Jisoo had a bright smile on her face as Jennie dragged her by the hand to the next ride. They had been running around doing as many as possible, along with eating along the way.

Jennie was currently dragging her some swing type ride, that Jisoo was very hesitant to go on. They had already done bumper cars and go karts, and Jisoo is pretty sure she got whiplash from Jennie targeting her.

"C'mon Jisoo!" Jennie smiles pulling her along.

They eventually make it to the ride and are strapped in safely with everyone else. Jisoo was not looking forward to this particular ride as it started.

Jennie kicked her feet excitedly and held one of Jisoo's hand tightly in her own.

"Don't be nervous Jisoo!" Jennie says kissing her cheek.

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