Ch 12.

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1 week later


It's been a week since Jisoo was in the hospital. Everything was back to normal and her stitches had been removed, after healing nicely.

Jennie was currently sitting in the coffee shop alone, waiting for Jisoo. She stood up to leave when Jisoo showed up.

"Whats with the face?" Jisoo asks standing in front of her. "You look just got stood up by some lousy man. But you're impressed because a cool person like me showed up instead."

"Aniya, you're just really late." Jennie mumbles.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I got held up by Seokjin." Jisoo apologizes. "Are you leaving then?"

"I don't know." Jennie shrugs.

"Come see a movie with me." Jisoo says grabbing her hand.

"Jisoo..." Jennie sighs. It was late and the coffee shop was empty, the lights dimmed down.

"I know you have an early class tomorrow, I'll drive you." Jisoo sways swinging their hands.

"Do you know how long I've been sitting here?" Jennie frowns.

Jisoo sighs at her pout and lifts her hand to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Jisoo rested her hand against her cheek and tilted her head as Jisoo's eyes searched hers.

"I'm the one that's been waiting for you Jennie Kim..." Jisoo whispers. 

"What are you waiting for?" Jennie asks innocently.

Jisoo looks at her stoically letting her hand fall from her face back down to her hand. "Please like me..." She says quietly before looking away, "I don't think you'll be able to focus on anything else after this...stay with me tonight."

Jennie looks down at their clasped hands. "I'm...I'm different from others. You know that well." She says looking back into her eyes. "Will you be okay?"

"Why does that matter?" Jisoo asks squeezing her hand.

Jennie swallowed as she looked back down at their hands when all of a sudden Jisoo tugged her towards her body and embraced her in a tight hug.

Her strong arms protectively wrapped around her upper body as her head rested in between the crook of Jisoo's neck. She closed her eyes and timidly brought her arms and hugged Jisoo back.

She felt Jisoo lean her head against hers and she hugged her a little tighter.

"You're playing hard to get Huh?" Jisoo says quietly with a smile, before pulling away from the hug, "Come on we'll go to my place." She says walking towards the door, "I won't hold your hand...I'll do this instead." Jisoo smiles wrapping an arm around her shoulders.


Jisoo opened the door to her apartment and Dalgome immediately care running to the door. "Well hello there." Jisoo says petting him. "Chaeng?!"


Jennie follows Jisoo into the living room.

"I didn't know you'd be home today." Jisoo says.

"Hey Jennie," she waves before turning to Jisoo. "I didn't plan on it but work called and said I didn't have to go in. But I'm leaving in a bit to see Lisa and Bambam." Rosé says. "So the place is all yours." She smirks making Jennie blush.

Once Rosé leaves Jisoo grabs a bag of snacks and leads Jennie up the short set of steps towards her room.

She tosses the snacks onto the bed and Jennie takes her the time to look around the room. It was tidy and she noticed a lot of stuffed animals covering the bed.

Cute. She thought.

She looked over at Jisoo only to see her taking off her clothes.

"Jisoo yah!" Jennie shouts turning around in embarrassment as she closes her eyes tightly.

"What? I'm putting on my sweats." Jisoo says innocently.

"You couldn't do it when I wasn't in the room?" Jennie asks.

"Nope!" Jisoo smiles jumping onto her bed and turning her TV on.

Jennie turned around and opened one eye to make sure Jisoo was wearing clothes.

Instead Jisoo was smiling at her while laying in her bed. She patted the spot next to her, motioning Jennie to sit.


Jisoo watched Jennie intently. She's pretty sure she's been in love with the girl since she first saw her. She knew Jennie was being stubborn and is reluctant to let herself fall for her.

It's only been a few weeks, but Jisoo thinks it's been the best few weeks of her life. She moves closer to the girl laying next to her.

"I don't bite you know," Jisoo says making Jennie turn to her.

"Actually I don't know that." Jennie says.

Jisoo smiles and leans in closer to her. "You're right. I could bite." Jisoo whispers by her ear. "If you want me too." She smirks before pulling away.

Jennie was staring at the tv with her mouth  agape and her eyes wide. Jisoo chuckles and wraps her arm around Jennie's shoulder, pulling her into her side. She pinches one of her chubby cheeks and laughs when Jennie slaps her hand away.

"We're going out on a date tomorrow, after your class." Jisoo smiles looking down at Jennie.

She's lost interest in whatever they were watching in her tv and watched Jennie instead.

"Okay." Jennie sighs resting her head on her shoulder.

Jisoo covered them under the blanket and shut the lamp next to her bed off.

An hour later she noticed that Jennie had fallen asleep. Carefully she tucked the girl into bed, moving her body into a comfortable position.

Jisoo followed suit and turned her tv off. She faced Jennie and admired how she glowed, even in the dark. Jisoo looked at her lips and sighed.

What are you doing to me Jennie Kim...

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