Ch 18.

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Jisoo's mouth hangs open as she stares at her phone. She glares at it before angrily dialling Seulgi's number.

It goes to voicemail making her gasp loudly and drop her phone. "KANG SEULGI IS TOTALLY BANGING MY SISTER RIGHT NOW!" She shouts covering her face with her pillow. "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" She says throwing her pillow. "Ohhh that girl thinks she's sooo sneaky. Just wait until I tell Jin oppa." She says.

Jisoo walks into the kitchen to see Rosé staring at the fruit bowl.

"I hate your guts..."

"I know you hate green bananas but stop talking to them Chaeng." Jisoo says as she walks passed her to the fridge.

"I-I wasn't." Rosé blushes.

"I heard what I heard." Jisoo says.

"Oh Unnie, before I forget can the four of us hang out for lunch today?"

"I don't see why not? But ask Jennie. Maybe she doesn't want to, but I don't care." Jisoo shrugs.

"Okay." Rosé shrugs.


"Seokjin!" Jisoo calls walking into his house. "Oh hey Yoongi, where's my brother?" She asks seeing the blonde on the couch.

"Hey Jisoo, he's in the backyard with Hoseok and Namjoon." Yoongi says nodding to the back door.

"Okay thanks." Jisoo nods walking towards the backyard. "Seokjin."

"Jisoo?"Seokjin says turning to face her.

"Hey, What are you making?" Jisoo asks nodding to the grill.

"Chicken." Jin answers. "What are you doing here?"

"JISOO AH!" Namjoon and Hoseok shout just noticing her. They drop their basketball and quickly run towards her and envelope her in a hug.

"Aish get your sweaty bodies off me." Jisoo whines.

"We missed you." Hoseok smiles hugging her tightly.

"Let me go!" Jisoo laughs.

"What are you doing here?" Namjoon asks.

"She was going to tell me, before you Pabo's interrupted." Seokjin says smacking the back of Namjoons head.

"I need a reason to come see my favourite brother?" Jisoo asks.

"You mean only brother." Seokjin corrects.

"Are you staying for lunch?" Hoseok asks.

"No, I can't I need to meet Lisa, Rosé, and my girlfriend for lunch." She says sitting on their porch chairs.

"A Girlfriend?!" Seokjin shouts. "Since when!"

"Since yesterday actually." Jisoo says casually.


"Kim Jennie."

"Taehyung's sister?" Hoseok asks.

"That's the one." Jisoo nods.

"Are you serious? Wow." Seokjin says unbelievably. "She's hot."

"I know." Jisoo shrugs."Now if you say that again I'll break your leg."

"Awww my little sister's in love!" Seokjin shouts.

"Shut up." Jisoo blushes.

"Kim Jisoo's in love with Kim Jennie!" Hoseok and Namjoon tease.

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