Ch 3.

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"Dude where the hell have you been? I've been texting you for hours." Lisa says as Jennie walks through the door.

"Sorry, I was hanging out with...someone." Jennie says before nodding. "Yeah someone."

"Well get ready, we're going out." Lisa says.

"What," Jennie whines. "I don't wanna go out."

"I don't care, get ready. I promised Rosé you'd be there, it'll be worth It, come on." Lisa says.

"Fine." She huffs.

Jennie was still a little sad at the fact that Jisoo was going on a date tonight. Maybe a night out with her friends wouldn't hurt. It's been awhile after all.

She got dressed and put on some light make up. She left her hair down the way it was before heading out.

"Let's go." Lisa says opening the door for her.


"Rosé said we could meet at their apartment." Lisa says as she drives.

"Okay, I haven't seen her in awhile, I miss her." Jennie says.

"Well if you both weren't so busy all the time." Lisa chuckles.

Jennie and Chaeyoung were both in the music department at YG but since Jennie had been focusing on her rapping lately she hadn't seen her in awhile.

Lisa was in the dancing department at YG and also rapping with Jennie.

"Where are we going tonight anyways?" Jennie asks as Lisa pulls into the parking lot.

"Mmm a concert." Lisa answers vaguely.

"What concert?" Jennie asks as they get out of the car.

"It's a surprise." Lisa smirks as they walk into the elevator.

"This apartment is really fancy." Jennie says looking around before noticing Lisa is smiling at her. "Why the hell are you smiling at me like that?" Jennie scowls.

"I'm just really excited. I think you'll really like this girl, she's kind of weird sometimes but she's really funny." Lisa says.

"We'll See." Jennie sighs. She wasn't really interested in anyone else except for Jisoo but it seemed she wasn't an option at the moment.

"Cheer up Unnie. I promise it'll be a good night." Lisa says wrapping an arm around her shoulder as she knocked on the door.

"Hi," Rosé smiles as she opens the door, giving Lisa a quick kiss. "Jennie unnie, nice to see you again." She says giving Jennie a hug.

"Yeah, you too." Jennie smiles hugging her back.

"You guys can sit down, I'll go see if she's ready." Rosé says before going up the stairs.

Lisa went over to the kitchen to look for some snacks while Jennie scrolled through her phone.

"Jisoo Unnie never has any good snacks." Lisa whines making Jennie's brows furrow in confusion.

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