Ch 28.

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Jennie set down a glass of water and an Advil on the night stand before crawling back into Jisoo's bed. She knew that when the older girl woke up she would have a massive head ache.

Jennie sighed and ran her fingers softly through the older girl's hair. She has no idea what happened last night but she knows she'll get an answer soon enough.

She decided she would have a shower before Jisoo woke up and headed to the bathroom to do just that.

After a few minutes of cleaning herself, she screamed when two arms wrapped around her. She closed her eyes and threw whatever was in the shower at whoever it was.

"Ow Jesus fuck it's just me!" Jisoo laughs as a shampoo bottle hits her in the chest.

Jennie opens her eye to see a naked Jisoo in the shower with her. She lets out a sigh of relief, "Jisoo! You scared the shit out of me!" Jennie scolds.

Jisoo smiles and wraps her arms around her waist, effectively pressing their naked bodies together. "Sorry." She shrugs before resting her head on Jennie's shoulder.

"Sorry for throwing shampoo and conditioner at your tits." Jennie says making Jisoo laugh. "How do you feel?" She asks as she grabs the loofah to clean Jisoo's back.

"I hate him." Jisoo mumbles.

"What happened?"

"I. Don't. Know." Jisoo sighs. "I remember a black bottle, call me Bobby, and hugging something cold." She says opening her eyes.

"My poor baby." Jennie pouts rubbing her back. "Finish your shower, I'll make you breakfast okay?"

Jisoo nods so Jennie kisses her cheek and gets out of the shower.


While Jennie made breakfast for Jisoo her phone signalled a text. Her brows furrowed in confusion seeing a video from Bobby.

She clicked play and watched as Jisoo drunkenly leaned on a mailbox, seemingly talking to it as well.

Jisoo was not going to be very happy, and Jennie wasn't either. She wasn't mad at Jisoo, more at Bobby. She didn't understand the point of him sending the video until he texted her again.

Bobby: Are you sure you want a girlfriend like that?

"What're you looking at?" Jisoo asks walking into the kitchen.

"See for yourself." Jennie says handing Jisoo her phone.

Jisoo watches the video with wide eyes before scowling at the text. "I'm going to kill him." She seethes.

"No you're not." Jennie sighs as she backhugs Jisoo.

"Jennie, do you see what he did to me?" Jisoo asks.

"Of course I'm mad about that Jisoo. And trust me I'm going to talk to him about it, but you're not going to physically hurt him because I really can't handle seeing you get hurt again." Jennie says.

"Are you implying I would lose?" Jisoo asks with raised brows.

"Of course not. I'm just saying that fights are unpredictable and I don't want you to partake in them." Jennie says.

"Fine." Jisoo huffs. "But. I am doing this purely for you. Also, I will not speak to him until he apologizes."

"Deal." Jennie says kissing her cheek and going back to her cooking.

Jisoo grabs her hand and turns her so that they're facing each other again. Jisoo's hands fall down to her hip  as she looks at her with a look she can't read.

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