Ch 7.

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A/N: I got the flu on my first exam day. Rip.



Jisoo removed her shirt and pants, before tossing them aside as she dove into the clear water with a loud splash.

The cool water brisk against her skin as she swam up for air. She smiled happily as the sunlight hit her skin, and the small waves rippled around her.

She looked over at Jennie who was standing on the rock with her jaw on the ground.

"Come on!" Jisoo smiles waving her over.

"I can't!" Jennie says shaking her head.

Jisoo swam towards her and leaned her arms on the ledge. "Please." She pouted.

"I-I don't have my suit." Jennie stutters, faltering at her pout.

"You don't need one." Jisoo says simply. "At least put your feet in the water."

Jennie sat down in front of Jisoo and rolled up her Jeans. She put her feet into the cool water as she sat off the ledge.

Jisoo smiled and rested her arms on the top of Jennie's thighs instead. "Tell me something," she says staring up at Jennie.

"Like what?" Jennie asks as she looks down at Jisoo.

"Anything." Jisoo whispers. "Tell me why you chose to talk to me."

Jennie's face immediately turns red as she looks away from Jisoo's eyes.

"I don't know." Jennie mumbles. "You just caught my attention I guess." She sighs. "The day you came in was a really rough day for me, one of my best friends had just told me she was going to start her training period at SM soon and that we wouldn't be able to see each other very often anymore. Of course I was happy, because she's so talented and she deserves every single bit of it but...she's my best friend you know. When I couldn't talk to Lisa she was just always there. I've been spending a lot of time with her the last few weeks since she's going to be gone any day now, and I just...I just dread the day she leaves. I sat in the coffee shop that day just thinking 'oh my god, what am I going to do without her?' But then it's like all of that went away the moment you walked through the door. Just the way you carried yourself, like you didn't have a care in the world. And you just sat there reading your book." Jennie chuckles. "After that, you went in everyday and did the same thing. You became the one constant thing in my chaotic life." Jennie says.

Jisoo was staring intently at her.

"What?" Jennie asks.

"Nothing. It's just...I've never met anyone like you before." Jisoo whispers.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Jennie says softly.

"A good thing." Jisoo smiles as she pushes off of her legs and swims away.

Jennie watches as Jisoo swims to the other side of the spring and climbs up a few rocks so that she's near the top of the water fall.

"What are you doing?!" Jennie laughs as Jisoo stands at the top of the small cliff.

"I'm showing you that life is all about taking risks!" Jisoo shouts before diving off the cliff.

Jennie laughs as Jisoo emerges with a big smile on her face. Jisoo swims back over to her.

"Help me up." Jisoo says holding her hand out. Jennie grabs it and helps her up the ledge. "Come with me." Jisoo says grabbing one of her hands as she leads her behind a big rock.

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